Dumb Dumber Dumberer Dumbest

Group Members

John O'Donnell: 18368983

Kealan McCormack: 18312236

Lukasz Filanowski: 18414616

Gerard Colman: 18327576

Project Description

The Project is a representation of a trading spaceport. Ships can come in to the port to buy or sell goods to the central inventory via a market. Each transaction is logged into a database and receipts are sent to the ship captains.

Technologies Used

  • REST API's with Springboot
  • Actors
  • NoSQL Databases: Redis and MongoDB
  • Open API/Swagger
  • Docker

Run Instructions

  1. Run "mvn clean" to clean project
  2. Run "mvn package" to create project jar file for client and containers
  3. Edit .env File to have desire configuration for container services
  4. Run "docker-compose build" to build docker images
  5. Run "docker-compose up" to run docker containers
  6. Run Client by "java -Duser.language=en -Duser.country=IE -jar client/target/client-0.0.1.jar -m {money} --id {clientID}
  7. Run "docker-compose down" to shut down docker containers


Configuration for Services is done through the .env

There is a parser in the core module which can be run as a script. 
This can be used to add items to the Price and Inventory databases.

Video Link


Open Api Code

Open API yml code is provided for the Price, Inventory and market APIs