Implementations of Deep Hashing Models


We need the following:

  • conda or miniconda (preferred)
  • GPU or CPU

Setup the environment

Clone the repository. The setup script to initialize and activate the environment is collected in etc/setup_env. Simply run the following command:

. etc/setup_env


The NUS-WIDE and COCO datasets can be downloaded here. The CIFAR10 dataset can be downloaded automatically with PyTorch.

Repository artifacts

  • python: code folder
  • requirements.txt: list of python reqs
  • this doc, and light documentation of this repos.

Using Original Deep Hashing Methods

  • CIFAR10: nohup python python/ --dataset cifar10 --data_root data/ --random_seed 9 --bit_list 16 32 64 128 --model AlexNet --epochs 200 --optimizer adam --lr 1e-5 --test_every 10 --save_path experiments/HashNet/cifar10_AlexNet_b64_adam 2>&1 >experiments/logs/HashNet-r9-cifar10_AlexNet_b64_adam.log &
  • COCO: nohup python python/ --dataset coco --data_root data/ --random_seed 9 --bit_list 16 32 64 128 --model AlexNet --epochs 200 --optimizer adam --lr 1e-5 --test_every 10 --save_path experiments/HashNet/coco_AlexNet_b64_adam 2>&1 >experiments/logs/HashNet-r9-coco_AlexNet_b64_adam.log &
  • NUS-WIDE: nohup python python/ --dataset coco --data_root data/ --random_seed 9 --bit_list 16 32 64 128 --model AlexNet --epochs 200 --optimizer adam --lr 1e-5 --test_every 10 --save_path experiments/HashNet/nuswide_21_AlexNet_b64_adam 2>&1 >experiments/logs/HashNet-r9-nuswide_21_AlexNet_b64_adam.log &

We currently support the following methods

  • Cao et al. HashNet: Deep Learning to Hash by Continuation. ICCV 2017. [Paper] []
  • Li et al. Deep Supervised Discrete Hashing. NIPS 2017. [Paper] []

Using Distributional Quantization Approach

Doan et al. One Loss for Quantization: Deep Hashing with Discrete Wasserstein Distributional Matching (CVPR2022). [Paper]

  • This repository supports various quantization losses discussed in Doan et al. For HSWD, use --quantization_type swdC; for SWD, use --quantization_type swd; we also support Optimal Transport estimation using --quantization_type ot.

  • CIFAR10: nohup python python/ --dataset cifar10 --data_root data/ --random_seed 9 --bit_list 16 32 64 128 --model AlexNet --epochs 200 --optimizer adam --lr 1e-5 --quantization_type swdC --quantization_alpha 0.1 --test_every 10 --save_path experiments/HashNet/cifar10_AlexNet_b64_adam 2>&1 >experiments/logs/HashNet-r9-cifar10_AlexNet_b64_adam_swdC.log &

  • COCO: nohup python python/ --dataset coco --data_root data/ --random_seed 9 --bit_list 16 32 64 128 --model AlexNet --epochs 200 --optimizer adam --lr 1e-5 --quantization_type swdC --quantization_alpha 0.1 --test_every 10 --save_path experiments/HashNet/coco_AlexNet_b64_adam 2>&1 >experiments/logs/HashNet-r9-coco_AlexNet_b64_adam_swdC.log &

  • NUS-WIDE: nohup python python/ --dataset coco --data_root data/ --random_seed 9 --bit_list 16 32 64 128 --model AlexNet --epochs 200 --optimizer adam --lr 1e-5 --quantization_type swdC --quantization_alpha 0.1 --test_every 10 --save_path experiments/HashNet/nuswide_21_AlexNet_b64_adam 2>&1 >experiments/logs/HashNet-r9-nuswide_21_AlexNet_b64_adam_swdC.log &


Please cite the following work when using this repository:

  title={One Loss for Quantization: Deep Hashing with Discrete Wasserstein Distributional Matching},
  author={Doan, Khoa D and Yang, Peng and Li, Ping},
  booktitle={Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition},
