
template for generating new rails projects

Primary LanguageRuby

New Rails Template

This is my template for creating a new rails app


  • Rails 5.0
  • Ruby 2.3.1

I created this template to work for every new Rails project I could possibly need. It replaces the Gemfile with one of my own, along with:

  • uses a Postgresql database
  • removes Minitest and installs RSpec
  • installs Bootstrap gem and all additional configurations
  • installs devise and sets up User class
  • includes ActiveAdmin with that User class
  • replaces annotate defaults for all models
  • uses slim and replaces application.html with slim file
  • initializes git and commits new project


  1. Create a new folder to hold your projects

  2. Clone this project into that folder

  3. In your terminal, run: rails new ProjectName -m new_rails_template.rb

  4. Once the template is finished running, you will need to create the database and migrate:

rake db:create
rake db:migrate


To user CodeClimate and Travis CI in your projects, follow these steps:

  • Make sure you have an account on CodeClimate

  • Go to CodeClimate dashboard and click 'Add Open Source Repo'

  • Type in Repo name and select

  • Once the build is complete, click continue to results

  • CodeClimate will generate a .codeclimate.yml file, and you will also need .rubocop.yml and .eslintrc

  • On CodeClimate dashboard, hover over project name and click settings

  • Select integrations

  • Edit GitHub Pull Requests

  • Go to your GutHub page and go to Settings > Webhooks & Services

  • Add CodeClimate Webhook - (https://codeclimate.com/webhooks)

  • select 'Send me everything'

  • Generate a GitHub OAuth Token and name that token whatever you'd like

  • Copy the token and paste in CodeClimate integrations

  • Click save and then click 'Test Services' to make sure it is working

  • From CodeClimate dashboard, hover over project and select settings

  • click on 'Test Coverage' on right hand side

  • get your repo-token from Travis and place it in the travis.yml file

  • run

bundle exec rspec
bundle exec codeclimate-test-reporter

and your testing environment is good to go!

Happy coding!