
Simple request / response logger for Alamofire 5.

Primary LanguageSwift


Simple request / response logger for Alamofire 5.

⬆️ POST 'https://ackee.cz/examples'
Headers: [
    Accept-Encoding : gzip;q=1.0, compress;q=0.5
    Accept-Language : en-US;q=1.0
    Content-Type : application/json
    User-Agent : Reqres_Example/org.cocoapods.demo.Reqres-Example (1; OS Version 9.3 (Build 13E230))
    Content-Length : 13
Body: {
    "foo" : "bar"


⬇️ POST https://ackee.cz/examples (✅ 201 Created) [0.54741 s]
Headers: [
    Vary : Authorization,Accept-Encoding
    Content-Encoding : gzip
    Content-Length : 13
    Server : Apache
    Content-Type : application/json
    Date : Mon, 05 Sep 2016 07:33:51 GMT
    Cache-Control : no-cache
Body: {
    "foo" : "bar"



github LukasHromadnik/AlamofireNetworkLogger


AlamofireNetworkLogger is a direct implementation of Alamofire's EventMonitor. To integrate it you need to pass it to Session

let logger = AlamofireNetworkLogger(logLevel: .verbose)
let session = Session(eventMonitors: [logger])

and then make the request using the session property



Right now the only possible configuration is logLevel and it's passed to AlamofireNetworkLogger during initialization.

Value Description
.none Nothing will be printed to the console
.light Only the URL, status code and duration time will be printed
.verbose Everything will appear in the console