Beet Swift

Its a port of Beet, Strict borsh compatible de/serializer. It can be used as a stand alone library. Its the main serializer for Solita


It supports

  • fully composable, i.e. coption(inner: Beet.fixedBeet(.init(value: .scalar(i64())))) is handled correctly
  • structs can be nested and composed
  • pre-computes byteSize of any fixed size type, no matter how deeply nested or composed it is
  • converts non-fixed types to their fixed versions simply by providing a value or serialized data
  • fixed size and fixable structs expose identical serialize/deserialize API and perform conversions under the hood when needed

Fixed Size vs. Dynamic Types

Beet is optimized for fixed types as this allows logging detailed diagnostics about the structure of data that it is processing as well as avoiding Buffer resizes.

Only beets that have fixed in the name are of fixed size, all others are fixable types which expose toFixedFromData and toFixedFromValue methods to convert to a fixed beet from serialized data or a value respectively.

Beet provides the FixableBeetStruct to de/serialize arguments (dictionaries) that have non-fixed size fields.

Beet implements the entire borsh spec.


Single Fixed Struct Configuration

import Beet

struct Results: Equatable {
    let win: UInt8
    let totalWin: UInt16
    let losses: Int32
    static let `struct` = BeetStruct(
        fields: [
            ("win", FixedSizeBeet(value: .scalar(u8()))),
            ("totalWin", FixedSizeBeet(value:.scalar(u16()))),
            ("losses", FixedSizeBeet(value: .scalar(i32())))
        construct: { args in
                win: args["win"] as! UInt8,
                totalWin: args["totalWin"] as! UInt16,
                losses: args["losses"] as! Int32
        description: "Results"

Nested Struct Configuration

import Beet
import Solana

struct Trader: Equatable {
    let name: String
    let results: Results
    let age: UInt8
    static let `struct` = BeetStruct(
        fields: [
            ("name", FixedSizeBeet(value: .collection(FixedSizeUtf8String(stringByteLength: 4)))),
            ("results", FixedSizeBeet(value:.scalar(Results.struct))),
            ("age", FixedSizeBeet(value: .scalar(u8())))
        construct: { args in
                name: args["name"] as! String,
                results: args["results"] as! Results,
                age: args["age"] as! UInt8
        description: "Trader"

let trader = Trader(name: "bob ", results: Results(win: 20, totalWin: 1200, losses: -455), age: 22)
let (buf,_) = Trader.struct.serialize(instance: trader, byteSize: Int(Trader.struct.byteSize))
let (deserialized, _) = Trader.struct.deserialize(buffer: buf)

