UIoT's Service Layer Repository -

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RAISE is our Abstract Service Layer for UIoT Architecture. Is Dynamic, Abstract, Following PSR-1 Adequations. Made with Design Patterns and coded using OO* Software Development Methodology. Fast, and with huge Performance. Ready for REST and SOAP

ADVISE.: RAISe it's migrating to a new Environment using Apache CouchDB. The MASTER branch of UIoT RAISe will maintain a stable LTS version of RAISe 0.1.1. The DEVELOPMENT branch will be used for RAISe 1.0~X+ versions. Only RAISe 0.1.X versions will continue with Oracle's MySQL server.

What is RAISe
UIoT RAISe it's our core solution for IoT Networks. It's the center of Data and Server Reability. RAISe manages all Data that passes through the Network. Being the REST environment and control software of UIoT network. RAISe only offers Data Management and a secure, neast, fast and easy communication API that can be digested by all IoT componentes.

How to Install

  • Download Composer (http://getcomposer.org)
  • Download this repository
  • Install Composer
  • Use Composer Command in Terminal or CMD (composer install)
  • Use it.


  • RAISe doesn't need a Web Server Package such Apache or Microsoft's IIS. You can use the built-in PHP web server (not recommended for big production environments). Using the following command in RAISe folder: php -S localhost:DESIRED PORT the desired port can be eg.: 80;
  • You need minimal as 124 MB of RAM only for RAISE.
  • 1x Core in Intelium (i86) or AMD64 Architecture
  • OS with Linux 3.4+, or Windows XP+, or OS X Lion+
  • If you want use a Web Server we recommend Apache. You can use LAMP, or XAMPP (as recommendation)
  • MySQL Community Server 5.5 or higher with InnoDB Engine Able.
  • 1MB Internet Connection Link
  • Use our Database Model from UIoT's Big Data Repository