- Title: Book Your Dream
- Description: Simple Cart app for booking hotels with payment step.
- Author: Lukasz Modzelewski
- React (router, context, ref, hooks), HTML, CSS (SCSS, BEM), RWD
- DEMO: https://lm-bookyourdream.herokuapp.com/
How to run (dev mode)
In the project directory, you can run:
yarn start
Runs the app in the development mode.
Features added:
- home page, footer with social links, page not found component
- fetching from mockAPI.io
- show specific error if fetch failed, show loading while loading data
- context for global data, all booking information stored in context as array of objects
- buttons to manipulate number of nights booked, trash button to delete position completely
- summary below with table and all booking info
- responsive web design (in progress)
- payment route, form with validation
Possible future improvements:
- skeleton components while loading (now only text)
- optimalization, refactor context