
Read files from folder with/without limitation of files and file extension

Primary LanguagePHP

Guide of Folder-Reader

Read files from folder with/without limitation of files and file extension

You can use it in codeigniter

by adding to library and call it by :

1. set the path of a dir

2. You can set extension : if extension not set -> by default you will see all files

3. You can set limit to read files as much as you want

or you can set it to no limit to read all files in folder -> by default the limit is set to 1 file

4. You have to use this function to read the folder

5. You can check the folder if is not empty -> if not empty return true

6. You can get the files by using this function -> by default is always returning array

Check the examples to understand how to use it

example 1 :


example 2 :


example 3 :


example 4 :


Important info

After using get_files() you can use print_r(),foreach() or something similar to proccess the files.


 foreach($this->folder->get_files() AS $File){
 	//do something