JPA – Java persistance API – it is a tool that allows programmers to map Java objects onto database tables and operate on them with objective approach instead of SQL.
1.Entity Creation
@Entiy means its JPA entity
@Table – it is mapped on Author table in database
@Id – it is a key
@GeneratedValue – 1,2,3…
@ManyToOne(cascade) – means that CRUD operation will also effect bounded Author entity in database
@JoinColumn – joins with id
- Hibernate DDL -Hibernate is ORM(Object Relational Mappin) framework for Java. It is used to map Java object onto Database
-Take care of CRUD operations
-Thanks to Hibernate it is easier to change Database
- Creating Entities
- Add, FindOne
CRUD repository automatically creates CRUD operations
Save(), findById() – thats all
- Findall, update, delete
- CustomQueries
Thats all… you dont need to do anything, JPA is clever enough to look at authors and get with age less, based just on name of the method
HQL – Hibernate query language. HQL is similiar to SQL but works on Java objects instead of SQL tables
We make this name on purpose
Select all objects marked as a where age is …