
Movie Idea exercise from BEW -1-1

Bites and Bruises

In the far off time of 20XX Argon(Daniel Radcliffe) finds himself lost and alone. The world has been devistated by the economic collapse of the America's and the fallout of an all out land war on Canadian soil. Groups of humans live in sequestered, small groups, only engaging with eachother to trade resources as society struggles to rebuild itself. Nature is repairing itself and the world still turns, but in the ruins of our once sprawling society, secrets of the world are revealed.

Bites and Bruises: Casting

- Argon: Daniel Radcliffe
- Tarron: Ezra Miller
- Kor: Manny Jacinto
- Torin Rath Kal: Kristen Stuart
- Disembodied Voice: Colin Firth
- Sound Effects: Chris Barnes