This is my personal portfolio/resume website. This portfolio showcases some of my works across the industries that I have worked within. It has been updated during Makeschool Int 2.2.


This site was built with Express, React, and Node.

To replicate:

This sites components have been set up in such a way as to act as templates. All of the content and input for the site is feed in through the resumeData.json file.

1. Build the app

If you have NPM and Node.js installed, you can create a React application by first installing the create-react-app.

Install create-react-app by running these commands in your terminal:

    npm install -g create-react-app
    npx create-react-app myReactPortfolio
    cd myReactPortfolio
    npm start

You should have a basic react app running on your locel server. Next:

    npm install jquery --save
    npm install react-ga --save

2. Clone/download

Replace the public and source folders in your react app with the ones from this project then run npm start

If all has gone well you should see my site, but running on your local server.

3. Personalize

Because all of the content in the site is being ferd through a json file, you can edit your information all in one place. Go through and update all the info in the resumeData.json file.

For the images, however, you need to replace each one and make sure the new images have the same name as the old ones. You could also go into each area where the photos are called and change those if you must alter the names. Enjoy

Links, Notes, Shoutouts: