
Primary LanguageHTML


Reason for starting this project?

Sometimes a good way to blow off steam, or just make a bad day better is to hit something. Typically running up to strangers and punching them in the jaw is frowned upon. Friends and kismet enemies may be up for a spar occasionally, but maybe you want some variety in your beat downs. This app is actually meant to be a way for those of us who are more tactile or have bottled up aggression to release that in a way that's fun, instinctual, and legal!

Tech Used:

  • Flask
  • Peewee
  • SQLAlchemy
  • Jinja
  • Sqlite
  • Google Maps
  • Google Places

User Stories

* Users can visit site to see a landing/sign-up page
* Users can Login/Register
* Users can post open fight requests on a dashboard, available for all users to see.
* User can edit/delete open fight requests. (Title, Content, Location)
* Users can see the number of challangers/users challanged on their profile.
* Users are able to udate profile info.
* Users are able to visit a grid page to see all other users and view their information.
* User is able to send a challange request to another user.

Unsolved Problems/Future Fixes

  • Users can match with eachother, but sqlite will not return the information in a readable way
  • Currently using prepopulated form to put matches into database. This can and should be done differently.
  • Style overly that blocks desktop view to look more professional
  • Submitting or editing fight requests rerouts to an error, but the requests do post and update appropriately
  • Need to add user notification when users match eachother
  • add logo
  • deploy with kivy
  • change grid back to swipe once jQuery thing is solved


I guess the only code i could say i'm kind of proud of is the user grid. Getting the grid to display user phots was tricky. Getting the grid to display the right ser photo was a mess. swipe grid

Biggest Challanges

  • Figuring out the association table for user to user matches. Each solution I found ended up creating a different problem.
  • jQuery and Scripts won't/wouldn't work in js file.
  • Docs for a lot of the things I needed were out of date.
  • At one point data from challanges was populating to databases consitently and in trying to figure out why it would only return "generator x0002342348" objects, I couldn't backtrack to poplulate it the same way again.


  • Found a work around to get challanges/challanger into db with a form(not-ideal)

  • Google Map auto fills, and adjusts to inut location on fightform

  • all fights with a location tag link to a google maps page for that location


  • Emily(TA) for doing her best to help me with my db issues.
  • Jon for showing me how he did matches(even though i couldn't use it in time, it would work on a futre build)