All scripts require pip instilation of twilio. (pip install twilio) Also, you must make a free account at, after this you can aquire your Account SID and Auth token.
Extract the files to any folder, then give them all exe permissions like so.
git clone
cd Twilio-python && chmod 755 *.py
Then you can run the scripts... ./myscript
RoboPing is a bot that pings your server every 20 seconds. if it gets no response it texts your mobile through the Twillio API.
Server & client
Both client and server are part of the encrypted messaging tools. they use a set password shared by both client and server. The client generates a random iv every new message. Also you can define ip adresses allowed to connect in ip whitelist. Its purpose is to send encrypted messages to the server who will decrypt the message and text the phone number linked to the twillio API.