About Luke Kuenneke

How I Like to Work:

  • Simple Answer: I enjoy helping people solve their problems and achieve/work towards their goals.
  • Communicate the problem set, then let me research and define a few solution approaches. Please answer any clarifying questions I may have.
  • I find collaborative solutions brainstorming to be very beneficial: whiteboarding, rapid prototyping, talking through things, etc.
  • I need to remove myself from exposure to distractions to allow me to hyperfocus, otherwise I tend to pinball around chasing whatever shiny firetrucks come down my road.
  • I like agile, continual process improvement, and generally trying to make things better for everyone on the team. With that said, finding what works for the team / context and not doing checkbox agile.

Time / Hours I Like to Work:

  • I am a night owl and can tend to work late into the evenings at times, hyperfocus and the lack of distractions can probably be attributed to why.
  • I am not a morning person and dislike morning meetings, with that said I try to be fair and play my part of course. My brain take a bit longer to boot in the morning.
  • I typically like to start my day ~10am unless I have early meetings.
  • I like hybrid work for the in-person collaboration and energy building environments. I prefer remote work for individual focus tasks.
    • I have zero issue with others preferring remote work in any capacity.

How I like to Communicate:

  • Whatever collaboration client the team has agreed upon, preferably not multiple.
  • If you truly need me please call me, otherwise you hit my mental follow-up prioritization: Voicemail > Email > Message
  • I have mail filters setup to filter out what I consider noise or not requiring my immediate attention, I skim over these at least once a day.
  • I see the benefits of video + audio over purely audio, non-verbal communication is very important for picking up on cues and not accidentally speaking over others.
  • I try to be efficient and get straight to the point otherwise verbose mode kicks in. I am known to use idioms.
  • As you can see I like organizing my thoughts in lists / other structured writing.

What Drains Me:

  • Inaction and/or not trying low-cost alternative approaches which leads to living the definition of insanity, doing the same thing continuously and expecting different results.
  • Meetings that serve no purpose, have no agenda, and generate no action items for participants as a result.
  • Exercised authority without demonstrated integrity and lack a of empathy due to lack of relevant experience / educated judgement.

How I Like to Give and Receive Feedback:

  • I do not care what your title is, my default style is to treat everyone with the same level of kindness, respect, and empathy as much as possible.
  • When I perceive the situation needing it, I can be very blunt when communicating any concerns I have.
  • I love receiving productive feedback that strengthens something I am working on.
  • I dislike receiving subjective opinions.
  • If I do not understand the importance your feedback has, please discuss it with me so I can understand better.
  • Making the solutions approach the focus and not the individuals involved.

What Earns Trust With Me:

  • Empathy.
  • Clear communication.
  • Reflective introspection.
  • Taking initiative.
  • Asking for help if needed.
  • Being willing to admit you don’t know something.
  • Walking the walk to back all the talk.
  • Being able to productively participate in discourse.
  • Working with and not against each other.
  • Critiquing, adding to, or refining an idea together rather than destroying it for the sake of its not yours.

What Loses Trust With Me:

  • Manipulation
  • Verbal abuse
  • Gaslighting
  • Being a snake
  • Backstabbing
  • The illusion of choice
  • Posturing
  • Double standards / two faced interactions
  • Nebulous and subjective guidelines or rules without clear criteria for success or failure.
  • Withholding feedback for the sake of weaponizing it.

What I Enjoy Doing:

  • Listening to music.
  • Going to concerts.
  • Traveling.
  • Exploring.
  • Video Games.
  • Toying with computers and technology.
  • Trying new things / hobbies.