Ciao! ✋

I am a mathematician turned Machine Learning Engineer turned Software Engineer.
I was born and raised in Rome (Italy 🇮🇹), but I spent six years in London's (UK 🇬🇧) tech scene.

Writing ✍️

Speaking 🗣️

I have been speaking at conferences (QCon, RustFest, RustLab, CodeMotion, RustyDays, EuroRust) and meetups. You can find recordings and slides for all my talks here.

Work 💸

I am a Principal Engineering Consultant at Mainmatter. I was previously a Senior Engineer at AWS and a Principal Engineer at TrueLayer.

Open Source 🦀

I am primarily active in the Rust ecosystem.
My main focus currently is Pavex, a new breed of Rust web framework. You can learn more about it on

My portfolio of contributions is varied:

Contact 🤝

  • ✍️ You can reach out to me on Twitter, on LinkedIn or at contact (at)