This is a simply REST server written in Rust with axum and tokio-postgres.

I'm using this to figure out a good structure for such a project and answer questions like:

  • where to put what (controllers, app state, models, etc, etc.)
  • how to handle migrations (and how to run them)
  • how to handle configuration for different environments


Setting up the database

The server requires a database to run. The connection string is read from the .env file and defaults to postgresql://rust_rest:rust_rest@localhost/rust_rest. The repo contains a Docker setup for a PostgreSql database that will work with that connection string. Run via:

docker compose up

You can also change the connection string and connect to a different (PostgreSql) database of course:


Once the database is running, it needs to be migrated so that the required tables get created etc.:

cargo db migrate

Running the server

cargo run

Making requests with curl

Creating a new task

curl -X POST localhost:3000/task -H 'Authorization: Bearer secr3t!' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"description": "do something"}'

Loading a single task

curl localhost:3000/tasks/<id>

Loading all tasks

curl localhost:3000/tasks

Running the test

Migrate the test database:

cargo db migrate -e test

Then run the tests:

cargo test