
A simple, HTML-Nodejs based operating system

MIT LicenseMIT


A simple, HTML-Nodejs based operating system
Stable, Security, Simple, Speed.


This file is for a brief introduction about the system for user, not developer. Please head to doc folder if you want a quick documentation about this system and how to make an application on it.


Web-based OS

This OS was built with Node JS and HTML, which aims for user who spend most of their time online. With express.js framework, you can connect all your devices into one main system via web browsers, or just enjoy single desktop with electron framework.


With minimal system requirement, most of devices that can connect to the internet can access to your system.


Built with built-in recovery system capable of revert, refress or recover lost system file from local source or download online.
The standalone system was built on Arch Linux, make it stable by only create image file using Long Term Support (LTS) Kernel.


Many verify layer required for important file access, with anti-virus scan for bunk delete, data leak real-time. Complicating keyring system will make sure your computer secure at anytime.


Simple package manager, file system easy to customize for your own purpose, or enjoy default hover-based windows manager.
The interface was currently on the way to preserve for new designer for a better user experience on Velvety.


We help you enhace your working speed by constantly listening to your feedback. We are trying to test on as hardware as posible in order to find a better solution for your digital workspace.