
Raspberry Pi CSI camera board JPEG+RAW photo to Adobe DNG converter

Primary LanguageC


Raspberry Pi CSI camera board JPEG+RAW photo to Adobe DNG converter (raspi_dng)


C compiler, Internet connection to download the required version of libtiff and a patch.

Build instructions

Run make, you will need a working Internet connection on the first run.


  • Take a picture on the RPi embedding RAW data:

      raspistill --raw -o out.jpg
  • Transfer the output file to where you have raspi_dng

  • Convert to Adobe DNG (no EXIF yet):

      ./raspi_dng out.jpg out.dng
  • Copy EXIF metadata from JPEG (date, exposure, lens, metering mode, etc.):

      exiftool -tagsFromFile out.jpg out.dng -o out.exif.dng

See also