
Converts IAS logs into something readable

Primary LanguagePython



Windows IAS (NPS) logs are chronically hard to read.
This script will parse through these files, and output a single logfile with human readable information
For dot1x events, Access-Request events are correlated with Access-Reject and Access-Accept events
When there is a rejection, the error code is converted to a human-readable error description


Install python 3.10 or later
Install the xmltodict package
    pip install xmltodict

Running the Script

Run the script from the same location as the IAS log files
This means you need to run the script on the NPS server, or copy the files to another location
On the NPS server, the log files are stored in C:\Windows\System32\LogFiles

Reading the Output

The output will be a json file, including today's date
The best way to interpret this is in Notepad++:
Then, use the NPPJSONViewer plugin to format it nicely
Alternatively, use an online JSON formatter, such as:

Testing Notes

This has been tested in an environment that uses RADIUS for:
- 802.1X Ethernet
- 802.1X WiFi
- SSH logons from network devices

It is possible that results will vary in other environments