
A way to have a CLI package manager using ONLY native Cygwin tools + bash

Primary LanguageShell

Cygwin Package Manager (native)


There are many alternatives out there for having an apt-like Package Manager for Cygwin (as well documented here) like:

But, as a challange, i didn't want to install anything and do everything i needed using only Cygwin inbuilt CLI commands.

On Cygwin FAQ webpage at chapter 2.3 you can find a list of all the parameters you can pass to the setup to automate things, like specify which architecture, proxy to use AND which packages to install or uninstall. So i just created a wrapper around these parameters.


To use it:

  • Copy this code into your ~/.bashrc:
CustomPkgManager () (
        local default='\033[0m';
        local red='\033[31m';
        local yellow='\033[33m'
        local cyan='\033[36m';
        local underlined='\033[4m';

        local operative_system=$(uname -o);
        local arch=$(uname -m);

        local installer_path=/tmp/CygwinSetup_${arch}.exe;
        local max_width_column=55;

        local terminal_lines=$(tput lines);
        local terminal_columns=$(tput cols);

        main () {
                local option=${1,,};
                # This only works with Cygwin, so exclude others
                if [[ $operative_system != "Cygwin" ]]; then
                        printf "[${red}ERROR${default}] - Operative System is not Cygwin!\n\n";
                        return 1;

                # Check if there are any options
                [[ -z "$option" ]] && {
                        printf "[${red}ERROR${default}] - First paramtere not specified\n\n";

                        return 1;

                # If there is no installer at the specified path, download it
                if [[ ! -f "$installer_path" ]]; then
                        printf "[${yellow}WARNING${default}] - Installer not found under path $installer_path\n";

                # Do things based on the option specified as first parameter
                case $option in
                                printf "Downloading packages from repository. Please wait...";

                                # Clear line
                                printf "\r%*s" $terminal_columns "";

                                less <<< "$list_of_packages";

                                return 0;
                                search_params=$(echo "$@" | tr -s '[:space:]' | tr ',' '|' | tr ' ' '|');
                                [[ -z "$search_params" ]] && {
                                        printf "[${red}ERROR${default}] - No search params specified\n\n";

                                        return 1;

                                printf "Downloading packages from repository. Please wait...";
                                formatted_data=$(packages_from_repo | awk "\$1 ~ /$search_params/{print}" | sed -r "s/$search_params/\\\\033[1;31m&\\\\033[0m/");

                                # Check if there are results
                                [[ ! -z "$formatted_data" ]] && total_results=$(wc -l <<<"$formatted_data");

                                # Clear line before printing data
                                printf "\r%*s\r" $terminal_columns "";

                                # Print data
                                printf "\nTotal results: $total_results\n\n"
                                [[ ! -z "$formatted_data" ]] && printf "$formatted_data\n";

                                return 0;
                                packages=$(echo "$@" | tr -s '[:space:]' | tr ' ' ',');
                                [[ -z "$packages" ]] && {
                                        printf "[${red}ERROR${default}] - No packages specified\n\n";

                                        return 1;

                                printf "Installing: $packages\n\n";
                                "$installer_path" -nq -WB -P $packages

                                return 0;
                                packages=$(echo "$@" | tr -s '[:space:]' | tr ' ' ',');
                                [[ -z "$packages" ]] && {
                                        printf "[${red}ERROR${default}] - No packages specified\n\n";

                                        return 1;

                                printf "Removing: $packages\n\n";
                                "$installer_path" -nq -WB -x $packages

                                return 0;
                                printf "ERROR - Unknown option\n\n";

                                return 1;

        # ---------------- Functions ----------------
        usage() {
                printf "A small Package Manager for Cygwin made using only Cygwin inbuilt features\n\n";
                printf "Usage:\n";
                printf "\t${FUNCNAME[2]} list\n";
                printf "\t${FUNCNAME[2]} search ${underlined}REGEX${default}\n";
                printf "\t${FUNCNAME[2]} install ${underlined}PACKAGE${default}\n";
                printf "\t${FUNCNAME[2]} remove ${underlined}PACKAGE${default}\n";

        download_setup() {
                printf "Download: ";
                [[ $arch == "x86_64" ]] && {
                } || {

                curl -s "$download_url" > "$installer_path" && printf "${green}OK${default}\n\n" || printf "${red}ERRORE${default}\n\n";
                chmod 777 "$installer_path";

        # Retrieves packages and descriptions from the package list hosted on Cygwin Official Website
        packages_from_repo() (
                data=$(curl -s --ssl-no-revoke https://cygwin.com/packages/package_list.html);

                awk -v max_length=$max_width_column '

                                name=substr(line, index(line, ".html\">")+7);
                                name=substr(name, 0, index(name, "</a>")-1);

                                description=substr(line, index(line, "</a></td><td>")+13);
                                description=substr(description, 0, index(description, "</td></tr>")-1);

                                printf("%-*s - %s\n", max_length, name, description);
                ' <<<"$data";

        main "$@";

        return $?;

Then, to use it you can call the function with apt-like parameters like this:

  • CustomPkgManager install sl
  • CustomPkgManager search nano


To make everything more user-friendly you can use handy and easy-to-remember aliases:

alias pkgInstall='CustomPkgManager install'
alias pkgRemove='CustomPkgManager remove'
alias pkgList='CustomPkgManager list'
alias pkgSearch='CustomPkgManager search'