
Generate reports on OSS libraries and licenses used in Go projects

Primary LanguageGoApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Command line tool Docs


You may use go get github.com/datawire/go-mkopensource, clone the repo and run go build ., or any of the other usual ways of building a Go program; there is nothing special about go-mkopensource.

Using as a library

The github.com/datawire/go-mkopensource/pkg/detectlicense package is good at detecting the licenses in a file


There are many existing packages to do license detection, such as go-license-detector or GitHub's licensee. The reason these are not used is that they are meant to be informative, they provide "best effort" identification of the license.

go-mkopensource isn't meant to just be informative, it is meant to be used for compliance, if it has any reason at all to be even a little skeptical of a result, rather than returning its best guess, it blows up in your face, asking a human to verify the result.

License scanning scripts

Folder /build-aux contains scripts to scan licenses for Go, Python and Node.Js. Script will generate both DEPENDENCY_LICENSES.md and DEPENDENCIES.md

The following environment variables are used to configure the application behaviour.

  • APPLICATION: Required. Name of the application being scanned. It's used in the header of the license files.

  • APPLICATION_TYPE: Required. Where will the application being scanned run.
    internal is used for anything running on Ambassador Labs servers, and external for anything that's deployed to customer machines.

  • BUILD_HOME Required. Location of the root folder of the repo to scan.

  • BUILD_TMP: Required. Folder to use for storing temporary files.

  • GIT_TOKEN Required. Git token with permissions to pull repositories

  • GO_IMAGE Required. Image to use for generating Go dependencies.

  • PYTHON_PACKAGES: Optional. List of requirement.txt files to scan. Paths should be relative to BUILD_HOME.

    export PYTHON_PACKAGES="./python/requirements.txt ./builder/requirements.txt"

  • PYTHON_IMAGE: Required. Image to use for generating Python dependencies.

  • NPM_PACKAGES: Optional. List of package.json and package-lock.json files to scan. Paths should be relative to BUILD_HOME.

    export NPM_PACKAGES="./tools/sandbox/grpc_web/package.json ./tools/sandbox/grpc_web/package-lock.json"

  • EXCLUDED_PKG: Optional. Semicolon separated list of npm packages names that we want to exclude for the validation. Important: it will restrict the output to the packages (package@version) from being reported in DEPENDENCIES.md and DEPENDENCY_LICENSES.md, before to use it, confirm if it is absolutely necessary.


    export EXCLUDED_PKG="intro.js@5.0.0;internal-2"

  • NODE_IMAGE: Required when NPM_PACKAGES is defined. Version of Node.JS to use when running npm dependency scan. Only valid version numbers (X.Y.Z) are allowed.


  • SCRIPTS_HOME: Required. Location where go-mkopensource repo is checked out, relative to BUILD_HOME

To update license information files, set the environment variables described above and run build-aux/generate.sh


  • Add a .dockerignore at the root of your repository and exclude any files that are not necessary for generating depdency information, including DEPENDENCIES.md, DEPENDENCY_INFORMATION.md and temporary folders. See the saas_app .dockerignore for a list of suggested exclussions.

When scanning fails

The scanner will sometimes fail to detect what kind of licenses a package is using because there's no real standard stipulating how such files must be organized, and what they must contain. When this happens, and when the failing package cannot be modified, the scanner must be updated to accommodate the failure. In essence, code must be added to make the scanner succeed.

Fixing the scanner might take some time, because it's not always self-evident how to do that, or even if it should be done (the culprit package's owner might be persuaded to fix the problem on their side). Regardless of how the problem is fixed, it risks blocking progress in projects that use the scanner to produce valid DEPENDENCIES.md file.

Blocking progress is never good, and for situations like this, the scanner offers an escape hatch. The --unparsable-packages option. The flag argument is a file name that maps package names to valid SPDX licenses.

Example: The scanner complains about some package that cannot be parsed:

fatal: 2 license-detection errors:
 1. package "sigs.k8s.io/json": could not identify license in file "sigs.k8s.io/json/LICENSE"
 2. package "sigs.k8s.io/json/internal/golang/encoding/json": could not identify license in file "sigs.k8s.io/json/LICENSE"

A quick look at the package reveals that it uses an Apache License, but adds extra text at the top of the actual LICENSE file indicating that it also uses files from golang/encoding/json. We know that golang uses a 3-clause BSD license. So we consult the SPDX License List to get the canonical identifiers for the licenses, and add them to an unparsable-packages.yaml file to our build system with the following contents:

  - Apache-2.0
  - BSD-3-Clause

We then use the flag --unparsable-packages unparsable-packages.yaml when running go-mkopensource.

Example: In previous versions of this scanner, sometimes the scanner complains about missing dependencies when the scanner gets the list of all the packages in the file "vendor/modules.txt" using the command "go mod vendor" You can see that in the following output.

#26 18.21 go: downloading github.com/docker/go-metrics v0.0.0-20180209012529-399ea8c73916
#26 18.24 go: downloading github.com/containerd/cgroups v0.0.0-20200531161412-0dbf7f05ba59
#26 18.28 go: downloading github.com/golang/groupcache v0.0.0-20210331224755-41bb18bfe9da
#26 36.85 github.com/datawire/saas_app/internal/pkg/kubernetes imports
#26 36.85 	k8s.io/client-go/rest imports
#26 36.85 	k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/util/clock: no required module provides package k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/util/clock; to add it:
#26 36.85 	go get k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/util/clock
#26 36.85 /scripts/go-mkopensource: fatal: ["go" "mod" "vendor"]: exit status 1
#26 ERROR: executor failed running [/bin/sh -c /scripts/scan-go.sh]: exit code: 1

Now the scanner is smart enough to follow the indications of the "go mod vendor" install the dependencies, and then get the list of packages from the file ''vendor/modules.txt"

Sometimes it isn't possible to install the dependecies sugested by the "go mod vendor" command. The scanner will complain with the message "Error installing dependency". In this case the project will require human intervention to solve the problem.

Remember to always create a ticket!

When a problem arise, remember to always create a ticket so that the problem can be fixed. This will help all users of the go-mkopensource tool and in many cases also make the owner of the failing component aware of the problem.

Dependabot PRs

When dependabot creates a PR, it's possible that license scanning will fail due so several factors:

  1. A Go package is unavailable in the new version of a module
  2. Dependency information is out of date.

To reduce friction merging dependabot PRs, there is an action (save-dependabot-changes) that will update a PR created by dependabot.

Use the action in a workflow as follows:

name: "Verify licenses"
on: push
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: actions/checkout@v2
      - name: "Generate dependency information"
        run: make generate-dependency-info
      - name: "Save changes made by dependabot"
        id: changed-by-dependabot
        uses: datawire/go-mkopensource/actions/save-dependabot-changes@v0.0.1
          branches_to_skip: 'master'
      - name: Abort if dependencies changed
        if: steps.changed-by-dependabot.outputs.is_dirty == 'true'
        run: |
          echo "Dependabot triggered a dependency update. Aborting workflow."
          exit 1
      # Continue with other steps


  • The GitHub token GITHUB_TOKEN should have at least contents:write and actions: write privileges.
  • The workflow that invokes the action should have a workflow_dispatch trigger.

Testing changes to the save-dependabot-changes action

After the action has been updated, you can verify that it works as expected by updating the smoke tests to point to the new version of the action.

uses: datawire/go-mkopensource/actions/save-dependabot-changes@<VERSION>

Note: If you want to test your changes before they are complete, you could use a branch in the action reference, and update it to a tag once you're ready to release.