Luke's Auto-Rice Bootstrapping Scripts: Installation Scripts for My Arch Linux Meta-Distribution
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dead links on
#566 opened by drewdevault - 0
- 5
Brightness Keys Not Working
#535 opened by DDAVID22291 - 4
- 1
sudo without password doesn't work anymore
#574 opened by permafrost06 - 4
Failed to Install AUR Helper
#559 opened by whatsogingon1 - 2
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Keyboard Mapping Issues with Virtual Machines after Installing LARBS
#569 opened by PabloMartinMoreno - 3
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screenkey not included in progs.csv, yet its included in dwm config.h
#570 opened by TheYellowArchitect - 6
Issues with Larbs Installation: Screen Resolution, Brightness Adjustment, and Nvidia Driver Installation
#554 opened by PabloMartinMoreno - 1
Missing crontab
#542 opened by TheYellowArchitect - 0
My old DE Plasms breaks
#543 opened by quicken2k - 1
- 0
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Sudo not prompting for root password for secondary user on Arch Linux
#555 opened by PabloMartinMoreno - 0
this issues isn't fixed yet
#562 opened by daveragos - 4
Some lightweight music players.
#565 opened by ZaxonXP - 1
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newsboat urls will replace with default
#558 opened by kezerco - 9
LARBS - Failed to install AUR helper
#538 opened by NicholasasaurusRex - 4
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WWAN doesnt recognise hardware
#544 opened by chomanery - 1
cant record using dmenurecord using 2 monitors
#541 opened by thecodsman - 0
Failed to install AUR helper
#548 opened by ShahramMohammed - 2
Librewolf margins
#546 opened by konopimi - 1
Multi-Monitor configuration: Cursor is abnormally large
#545 opened by p-mackay - 10
pam-gnupg configuration on Artix
#530 opened by aartoni - 1
ttf-linux-libertine is going away from repos...
#516 opened by piyushgarg - 0
Initialization Problem (StartX)
#525 opened by CaptainMuskrat - 1
LARBS not accepting input.
#527 opened by lukerb52 - 0
[Feature req/Discussion] Coustiom ISO
#514 opened by LalleSX - 9
LARBS not working properly.
#522 opened by Cavingin - 1
Second monitor goes dark when using LARBS
#518 opened by fx-biocoder - 0
some issues
#519 opened by jemadux - 4
Status Bar requires bmon
#503 opened by JayDSingh - 3
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SMS and calls on NeoMutt?
#521 opened by orange-toothbrush - 0
Missing FF addons
#513 opened by wdymUsername - 3
DWM Blocks and Hotkeys broken
#512 opened by CheddarAnon - 1
How To Uninstall?
#511 opened by iamsussy1 - 12
- 0
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broken volume limit with keyboard controls.
#500 opened by Tocoe - 3
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Can't create a shortcut for lfcd
#502 opened by janluijk - 1
shell ctrl f fzf shortcut
#499 opened by Tocoe