
A simple Monero (XMR) superchat donation system in Go

Primary LanguageGo


  • Self-hosted, noncustodial and minimalist Monero (XMR) superchat system written in Go.
  • Provides an admin view page to see donations with corresponding comments.
  • Provides notification methods usable in OBS with an HTML page.

To see a working instance of shadowchat, see xmr.lukesmith.xyz.


  1. apt install golang
  2. git clone https://git.sr.ht/~anon_/shadowchat
  3. cd shadowchat
  4. go install github.com/skip2/go-qrcode@latest
  5. edit config.json
  6. go run main.go

A webserver at is running. Pressing the pay button will result in a 500 Error if the monero-wallet-rpc is not running. This is designed to be run on a cloud server with nginx proxypass for TLS.

Monero Setup

  1. Generate a view only wallet using the monero-wallet-gui from getmonero.org. Preferably with no password
  2. Copy the newly generated walletname_viewonly and walletname_viewonly.keys files to your VPS
  3. Download the monero-wallet-rpc binary that is bundled with the getmonero.org wallets.
  4. Start the RPC wallet: monero-wallet-rpc --rpc-bind-port 28088 --daemon-address https://xmr-node.cakewallet.com:18081 --wallet-file /opt/wallet/walletname_viewonly --disable-rpc-login --password ""


  • Visit to view your superchat history
  • Visit to see notifications
  • The default username is admin and password adminadmin. Change these in main.go
  • Edit web/index.html and web/style.css to customize your front page!


  • Add a Browser source in obs and point it to https://example.com/alert?auth=adminadmin

Future plans

  • Blocklist for naughty words
  • Widget for OBS displaying top donators
  • Settings page for on-the-fly changes (minimum donation amount, hide all amounts, etc.)




This comes from https://git.sr.ht/~anon_/shadowchat and is not Luke's original work.


sir,,thank you 84U6xHT7KVaWqdKwc7LiwkAXKCS2f2g6b6SFyt1G7u6xWqLBYTVXH2aEsEPho64uPFJQS6KHqSg7XLEfEkqvjdgd9H1vQSm