Repository for reproducing: vercel/turborepo#4137

To reproduce:

  1. Clone the repository
  2. Install dependencies: npm install
  3. Make sure Turborepo is installed globally: npm install turbo -g
  4. Run the build command for the library repeatedly (see output below that indicates you've triggered the bug): turbo run build --filter=lib-a

This bug seems like it's possibly timing-related, and so you won't see it happen every time you run the build script. When it runs successfully without the bug happening, you'll see something like this:

$ turbo run build --filter=lib-a
• Packages in scope: lib-a
• Running build in 1 packages
• Remote caching disabled
lib-a:clean: cache bypass, force executing dc59c72252acb1de
lib-a:clean: > lib-a@0.1.0 clean
lib-a:clean: > rimraf dist/
lib-a:build:esm: cache hit, replaying output 3924692684ffd04c
lib-a:build:types: cache hit, replaying output 8f1d91e12889474b
lib-a:build:esm: > lib-a@0.1.0 build:esm
lib-a:build:esm: > swc ./src -d ./dist --config-file ../.swcrc
lib-a:build:esm: Successfully compiled: 1 file with swc (6.36ms)
lib-a:build:types: > lib-a@0.1.0 build:types
lib-a:build:types: > tsc

 Tasks:    3 successful, 3 total
Cached:    2 cached, 3 total
  Time:    520ms

$ ls lib-a/dist
index.d.ts index.js

And the dist folder in lib-a will have the build output. When the bug happens, you'll see output like this instead:

$ turbo run build --filter=lib-a
• Packages in scope: lib-a
• Running build in 1 packages
• Remote caching disabled
lib-a:clean: cache bypass, force executing dc59c72252acb1de
lib-a:clean: > lib-a@0.1.0 clean
lib-a:clean: > rimraf dist/
lib-a:build:types: Skipping cache check for lib-a#build:types, outputs have not changed since previous run.
lib-a:build:types: cache hit, replaying output 8f1d91e12889474b
lib-a:build:esm: Skipping cache check for lib-a#build:esm, outputs have not changed since previous run.
lib-a:build:esm: cache hit, replaying output 3924692684ffd04c
lib-a:build:types: > lib-a@0.1.0 build:types
lib-a:build:types: > tsc
lib-a:build:esm: > lib-a@0.1.0 build:esm
lib-a:build:esm: > swc ./src -d ./dist --config-file ../.swcrc
lib-a:build:esm: Successfully compiled: 1 file with swc (6.36ms)

 Tasks:    3 successful, 3 total
Cached:    2 cached, 3 total
  Time:    320ms

$ ls lib-a/dist
ls: lib-a/dist: No such file or directory

The "skipping cache check" message is the one that indicates you've likely triggered the bug. If you check the dist folder after seeing that message, you'll see it's missing/doesn't exist.

You'll also sometimes see only one of the build tasks with the "skipping cache check" message, which results in some of the build output being present, but some of it being missing:

$ turbo run build --filter=lib-a
• Packages in scope: lib-a
• Running build in 1 packages
• Remote caching disabled
lib-a:clean: cache bypass, force executing 3d74ace97cfb7408
lib-a:clean: > lib-a@0.1.0 clean
lib-a:clean: > rimraf dist/
lib-a:build:esm: Skipping cache check for lib-a#build:esm, outputs have not changed since previous run.
lib-a:build:esm: cache hit, replaying output 08bcd66d0c350484
lib-a:build:esm: > lib-a@0.1.0 build:esm
lib-a:build:esm: > swc ./src -d ./dist --config-file ../.swcrc
lib-a:build:esm: Successfully compiled: 1 file with swc (35.74ms)
lib-a:build:types: cache hit, replaying output 211242b9767b916c
lib-a:build:types: > lib-a@0.1.0 build:types
lib-a:build:types: > tsc

 Tasks:    3 successful, 3 total
Cached:    2 cached, 3 total
  Time:    338ms

$ ls lib-a/dist