forEach: The Unexpressive Iterator

Learning Goals

  • Use forEach() to work with an array
  • Explain why forEach() is the iterator method we should use least
  • Identify use cases for forEach()


In previous lessons, we've learned about JavaScript's built-in Array methods and how they help us save work and write more efficient, readable code. In this lesson, we'll talk about one more: forEach(). We'll also discuss why it's the one you should use least.

Use forEach to Work with an Array

If you look at the MDN page for the forEach() method, you'll see the following description:

The forEach() method executes a provided function once for each array element.

Unlike the other methods we've looked at in this section, forEach() doesn't have a built-in return value. As a result, forEach() is quite generic — the callback we pass to it can contain whatever functionality we like.

To use forEach(), we simply call it on an array and pass our callback:

oppressedWorkers = [

oppressedWorkers.forEach(function(oppressedWorker) {
  console.log(`${oppressedWorker} wants to form a union!`);
}); //=> undefined

/* Output
Dopey wants to form a union!
Sneezy wants to form a union!
Happy wants to form a union!
Angry wants to form a union!
Doc wants to form a union!
Lemonjello wants to form a union!
Sleepy wants to form a union!

While this flexibility may seem like a good thing at first glance, the fact that it's generic makes it the least expressive of the iterators.

Explain Why forEach is the Iterator Method We Should Use Least

By now you recognize that map means: "create a new Array after transforming each element." You recognize that reduce means: "distill a single summary value from a set of elements." These methods are expressive; their presence in your code tells other programmers (and your future self) what you intended to happen.

But what does forEach mean? Programmers recognize that map() has a specific use, reduce() has a specific use, find() has a specific use. But forEach() is generic. Are we just printing things, or are we trying to distill to a value, or are we trying to produce a transformed Array?

When we use forEach() to do map-things or reduce-things we're not documenting what our intention was with regard to the collection. This makes for code that's harder to understand and debug. Here's some code that uses forEach() instead of reduce().

function sumArray(numberArray) {
  let total = 0;
  numberArray.forEach(function(i) {
    total = total + i;
  return total;
sumArray([1, 2, 3]); //=> 6

Sure, it works, but it doesn't communicate. We should always strive to have code that works and communicates.

Identify Use Cases for forEach

The best time to use forEach() is when you need to enumerate a collection to cause some sort of "side-effect". A good example of this is when you want to iterate through an array to log values. console.log() doesn't return anything back, so using something like map() here would unnecessarily create a new array. It would also mislead any developers who look at your code about what its purpose is. We're using forEach strictly to do something that is handy for us (the developer) as a side-effect; in this case, printing content to the screen.

This is pretty common in debugging:

    console.log("DEBUG: WHAT ARE YOU?!?" + e)

The other time we want to use forEach is if we need to directly change (or "mutate") the elements we're iterating through.

As an example, consider:

function addFullNameToEmployees(empCollection){
    e.fullName = `${e.firstName} ${e.familyName}`

  {firstName: "Byron", familyName: "Karbitii"},
  {firstName: "Luca", familyName: "Tuexedensis"}

In this case, we're directly updating employees in the original object, rather than creating a new object with the modifications. The employee, e, is updated as a side-effect of running forEach. The only clue that helps us guess what forEach is doing here is that the programmer "wrapped" it inside of a helpfully-named function.

Recall, however, that directly mutating objects is something that should be avoided in most cases. This is another good reason to use forEach sparingly.


In this lesson, we've introduced Array.prototype.forEach(). It is flexible and straightforward to use, which can make it an attractive option when you aren't sure which iterator is the best one for your needs. However, in the majority of cases, one of the other iterator methods will be a better choice. You should only use forEach() under the specific circumstances outlined above.

As you continue learning JavaScript, you should take advantage of the expressive iterator methods we've learned about in this section as much as possible. Under most circumstances, using find(), filter(), map(), or reduce() in place of more generic options, forEach, for...of, and for, will save you work in the long run and make your code more efficient and expressive.