RAGE MP Server Boilerplate

A boilerplate for RAGE MP with MongoDB and Typescript!

Quick start

  1. Clone or download repository.
  2. Copy RAGE MP server-files files and paste here.
  3. Open terminal and:
    • Type yarn.
    • cp .env.example .env
    • Edit .env with your configs.
    • Type yarn start


  1. Run tsc -w in src/server and src/client folders
  2. Run yarn watch to make server restart with every change
  3. Run yarn lint to lint the code
  4. Run yarn build to compile both server, client and views


Gameplay code should be placed within modules (server) and modules (client), after creating the module you need to add to the modules array in modules entry-point.


You can set the language of the gamemode changing the .env file, if your language is not here you can create it here and here and import them in the lang.loader.


Contributions are greatly appreciated. Please fork this repository and open a pull request to add snippets, make grammar tweaks, etc.