DubBot Drupal module Tugboat environment

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Online demo by Tugboat


Clone this repository:

git clone git@github.com:Lullabot/dubbot-tugboat.git

If you are planning to use ddev, now it's a good moment for ddev start.

You can run ddev exec ./install.sh

For updating your env to the latest:

ddev composer update drupal/dubbot

You might need to run ddev exec ./install.sh again, as we are not providing any upgrade paths yet.

Set the DubBot embed key

Visit /admin/config/system/dubbot and enter the DubBot embed key.

For contributing:

Go to web/modules/contrib/dashboard and ensure to set the origin:

git remote set-url origin git@git.drupal.org:project/dubbot.git

Git checkout 1.0.x

git co 1.0.x

Running DubBot module tests

Running all tests:

ddev exec phpunit --testsuite all

Checking DubBot module coding standards

Checking module files:

ddev exec phpcs --standard=web/core/phpcs.xml.dist web/modules/contrib/dubbot