
A fork of https://www.drupal.org/project/npr used to write in support for the new cds api.

Primary LanguagePHP


The NPR module is actually a set of closely-related modules that can push/pull content to/from the NPR API. The other submodules in this project depend heavily on npr_api.


The modules will do ALMOST NOTHING without an NPR API key. Get one at http://api.npr.org.

In order to ensure proper display of stories, the NPR Story module includes the NPR Story text format that is preconfigured with the necessary filters and requires the Allowed Formats module to ensure that this text format is used by default by the NPR Story body field.

Stories sometimes have external assets embedded in them, such as YouTube videos and Tweets. The NPR Story module contains a media source to hold these assets via oEmbed. However, Drupal only enables YouTube and Vimeo as oEmbed providers out-of-the box, so you will need to enable additional providers yourself. This can be done through custom code using hook_media_source_info_alter(), or via the oEmbed Providers module: https://drupal.org/project/oembed_providers


Install as you would normally install a contributed Drupal module.

To be able to interact with the NPR API, the API key must be configured. This can be done at Administration » Configuration » Web Services » NPR API. However, for security considerations, this should probably configured in settings.php like this:

$config['npr_api.settings']['npr_api_api_key'] = 'YOUR_NPR_API_KEY';

To test that the key is configured correctly, visit the "API Test" tab: admin/config/services/npr/npr_api_test.


The body field of the NPR Story content type uses the NPR Story text format, which allows the <script> tag. This was added to accommodate stories that include "HTML assets" in the body such as: https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2020/03/16/816707182/map-tracking-the-spread-of-the-coronavirus-in-the-u-s Consider the security risks to allowing this tags on your site.