

Primary LanguageTeX

🚧 work in progress 🚧

Follow the slogan

Luisa M. Mimmi • Independent Consultant

All this project’s materials are free and open:

Open dataOpen

How to build/deploy the site

This project is an Rmarkdown websites hosted on Github Pages and accessible here https://lulliter.github.io/slogan/. The folder containing the html files of the website is ./docs/ (this was also specified in the _site.yml)

Upon making changes in the local folder, I have 2 ways in which I can commit and push changes to GitHub (as well as update public version of website on GitHub Pages)

  1. Pseudo manual shell commands in _build_deploy.sh file
  • Here I can also decide whether to use git add -u (only stuff already tracked) or git add --A (also new stuff)
  1. Using automated make instructions in Makefile
  • Here I have set it up exclusively with git add -u



bla bla bla

TO DO list

  • In ./02_descriptive-analysis.Rmd, Fig @ref doesn’t work…




Text and figures: All prose and images are licensed under Creative Commons (CC-BY-4.0)

Code: All code is licensed under the MIT License.
