AMD Radeon ProRender delegate for USD (hdRpr)

This plugin allows fast GPU or CPU accelerated viewport rendering on all OpenCL 1.2 hardware for the open source USD and Hydra system

For more details on USD, please visit the web site here.


Building this plugin depends on three things:

1. An existing USD build / tree

As many USD users get the USD libraries from different places, or compile their own, we tried to keep this as flexible as possible. You can download USD to build yourself from GitHub

2. Radeon ProRender SDK

Download RPR SDK as well as RIF library (Image processing) from here: License allows non-commercial use for developers. Contact through the website for commercial distribution.


Build using cmake. Here are the necessary variables to set

USD_ROOT - set this to the USD installed dir

RPR_LOCATION - set this to the Radeon Pro Render directory with include and lib dirs (version 1.3.20 or higher)

CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX - this is where the delegate will be installed, most likely you will set this to the same as USD_ROOT

(Variables below may be automatically detected and you can leave them as is)

BOOST_ROOT - These are necessary libraries to link the plugin. If you installed USD, you already have these. If you installed USD using the python build script they are the same as USD_ROOT



OPENVDB_LOCATION(optional) - path to OpenVDB directory with include and lib dirs

Building with RadeonProImageFilter (Denoiser): PXR_ENABLE_RIF_SUPPORT - set this to 'ON' to enable Image filters RIF_LOCATION - set this to directory of Image Filter library.

example cmake building:

mkdir build 
cd build
cmake -DUSD_ROOT=/data/usd_build -DRPR_LOCATION=/data/RPR_SDK/RadeonProRender -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/data/usd_build ..
make install

Build with OpenVDB SDK


  • Set "-DOPENVDB_LOCATION", path to OpenVDB directory.

  • Build

example cmake building with OpenVDB:

mkdir build 
cd build
cmake -DUSD_ROOT=/data/usd_build -DRPR_LOCATION=/data/RPR_SDK/RadeonProRender -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/data/usd_build -DOPENVDB_LOCATION=C:/data/OpenVDB ..
make install

Supported platform: Windows linux(experimental) macOS(experimental)

Try it out

Set the environment variables specified by the script when it finishes and launch usdview with a sample asset.

> usdview extras/usd/tutorials/convertingLayerFormats/Sphere.usda

And select RPR as the render delegate.

If you want the RPR menu added to USDView (allows selecting device, and view mode), set the environment variable:


Where USD_ROOT is your USD install directory.