$ git clone https://github.com/LumaPictures/meteor-jquery-select2
$ cd LumaPictures/meteor-jquery-select2
$ mrt && meteor
$ git clone https://github.com/LumaPictures/meteor-jquery-select2
$ cd LumaPictures/meteor-jquery-select2
$ mrt && meteor test-packages jquery-select2
Initializing a select2 component is easy, just include the following block helper in one of your templates.
{{#Select2 placeholder="Choose a Country" }}
{{#each country }}
<option value="{{countryCode}}">{{name}}</option>
If you need opt groups everything still works the same.
{{#select2 placeholder="Choose a State" }}
{{#each timezone }}
<optgroup label="{{name}}">
{{#each states}}
<option value="{{stateCode}}">{{name}}</option>
Generally I prefer to setup my initialization parameters in a template helper and pass in a complete initialization object.
formSelectorDefaultOptions: -> return {
width: "100%"
taskTypeSelector: -> return {
placeholder: "Select a task type"
tabindex: 1
options: Template.taskForm.formSelectorDefaultOptions()
Example form using the selector defined above
<template name="taskForm">
<form role="form">
<div class="modal-body with-padding">
<div class="block-inner text-danger">
<h6 class="heading-hr">Tasksheet Entry <small class="display-block">Please select a task type.</small>
{{#select2 taskTypeSelector }}
<option value="art">Artist</option>
<option value="dev">Dev</option>
<option valule="sys">Systems</option>
<option value="ops">Ops</option>
<option value="mgmt">Management</option>
<div class="form-group">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-sm-6">
<input class="form-control" type="number" name="number">
<div class="col-sm-6">
<input class="form-control" type="number" name="number">
<div class="form-group">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-sm-12">
<textarea rows="5" cols="5" class="limited form-control" placeholder="Limited to 100 characters"></textarea>
<span class="help-block" id="limit-text">Field limited to 100 characters.</span>
<div class="modal-footer">
<button type="button" class="btn btn-danger" data-dismiss="modal">Close</button>
<button type="button" class="btn btn-success" data-dismiss="modal">Submit</button>
The easiest and least flexible way. Just place your options in the select2
block helper and go.
If you are not using a placeholder be sure to specify which option is selected by default or the select2
component will be empty.
<option value="option1" selected>Option 1</option>
<option value="option2">Option 2</option>
This method will cover most of your use cases, is quite flexible, and pretty freakin simple.
In order to use an array data source to populate the select2 component you must specify the data
property of the select2 options
ArraySource: -> return {
# Placeholder
placeholder: "Select an Option..."
# Tab Index
tabindex: 3
# Select2 Options
# The results used to populate the Select2 Component
results: [{
id: 0
tag: "enhancement"
}, {
id: 1
tag: "bug"
}, {
id: 2
tag: "duplicate"
}, {
id: 3
tag: "invalid"
}, {
id: 4
tag: "wontfix"
# The display text for each option
text: ( item ) -> item.tag
# Preformat the selection
formatSelection: ( item ) -> item.tag
# Preformat result
formatResult: ( item ) -> item.tag
{{> Select2 ArraySource }}
Subscription ( milestone v0.3 )
The most complex and powerful option of the three, very useful when you have a large set of options that is stored in a collection.
This package automatically pages and searches extremely large collections by performing all searches on the server and providing its own publication. This works in a very similar fashion to my jquery-datatables package .
{{> select2 subscription="all_countries" }}
On the server you will have to publish a Select2Component
publication or provide your own searchable publication.
Select2Component.publish "all_countries", Countries, {}
There are several ways you can bind events to a select2 component.
Assuming you have a template view like this :
<template name="yourView">
{{#select2 id="country-selector" }}
{{> countries }}
Template .select2ExamplesPanelView.events
"change #country-selector": ( event, template ) ->
console.log "change", {
"select2-opening #country-selector": ( event, template ) ->
console.log "opening"
"select2-open #country-selector": ( event, template ) ->
console.log "open"
"select2-close #country-selector": ( event, template ) ->
console.log "close"
"select2-highlight #country-selector": ( event, template )->
console.log "highlighted", {
val: event.val
choice: event.choice
"select2-selecting #country-selector": ( event, template ) ->
console.log "selecting", {
val: event.val
choice: event.choice
"select2-removing #country-selector": ( event, template ) ->
console.log "removing", {
val: event.val
choice: event.choice
"select2-removed #country-selector": ( event, template ) ->
console.log "removed", {
val: event.val
choice: event.choice
"select2-loaded #country-selector": ( event, template ) ->
console.log "loaded (data property omitted for brevity)"
"select2-focus #country-selector": ( event, template ) ->
console.log "focus"
"select2-blur #country-selector": ( event, template ) ->
console.log "blur"
A non trivial usage, and what is currently being used in the example app.
<template name="select2ExamplesPanelView">
{{#panel styles="panel-default select2-examples-panel" }}
{{#panelHeading icon="icon-menu5" title="Select2" }}
<div class="pull-left">
{{#select2 id=id tabindex="1"}}
{{#each options }}
<option value="{{value}}">{{label}}</option>
{{> selectedView }}
id: -> return "select2-examples-panel-selector"
selectedView: ->
return Template[ Session.get Template.select2ExamplesPanelView.selector() ]
options: -> return [{
value: "select2ConfigurationsView"
label: "Configurations"
}, {
value: "select2DataSourcesView"
label: "Data Sources"
"change #select2-examples-panel-selector": ( event, template ) ->
Session.set event.target.id, event.val
* This technique is useful when a selector needs to respond to external changes
* NOTE : All selectors must be unique in the page scope
<input type="button" id="destroy-the-world" class="btn" value="KABOOM!">
{{#select2 placeholder="Choose a Country" selector="the-world" }}
{{> countries }}
$("#destroy-the-world").click -> $("#the-world").select2 "destroy"
Pass in your own event map through the component ( milestone v0.4 )
* This technique is useful when you need to perform custom actions on selection events
* Does not require a selector to be defined
{{#select2 placeholder="Choose a Country" selector="the-world" events=logAllEvents }}
{{> countries }}
logAllEvents =
"change": ( event ) -> console.log "change "+JSON.stringify({val:event.val, added:event.added, removed:event.removed})
"select2-opening": -> console.log "opening"
"select2-open": -> console.log "open"
"select2-close": -> console.log "close"
"select2-highlight": ( event ) -> console.log "highlighted val="+ event.val+" choice="+ JSON.stringify(event.choice)
"select2-selecting": ( event ) -> console.log "selecting val="+ event.val+" choice="+ JSON.stringify(event.choice)
"select2-removing": ( event ) -> console.log "removing val="+ event.val+" choice="+ JSON.stringify(event.choice)
"select2-removed": ( event ) -> console.log "removed val="+ event.val+" choice="+ JSON.stringify(event.choice)
"select2-loaded": ( event ) -> console.log "loaded (data property omitted for brevity)"
"select2-focus": ( event ) -> console.log "focus"
"select2-blur": ( event ) -> console.log "blur"
Note: This method is identical to specifying a selector and saying
.on("change", function(e) { console.log("change "+JSON.stringify({val:e.val, added:e.added, removed:e.removed})); })
.on("select2-opening", function() { console.log("opening"); })
.on("select2-open", function() { console.log("open"); })
.on("select2-close", function() { console.log("close"); })
.on("select2-highlight", function(e) { console.log("highlighted val="+ e.val+" choice="+ JSON.stringify(e.choice));})
.on("select2-selecting", function(e) { console.log("selecting val="+ e.val+" choice="+ JSON.stringify(e.choice));})
.on("select2-removing", function(e) { console.log("removing val="+ e.val+" choice="+ JSON.stringify(e.choice));})
.on("select2-removed", function(e) { console.log("removed val="+ e.val+" choice="+ JSON.stringify(e.choice));})
.on("select2-loaded", function(e) { console.log("loaded (data property omitted for brevity)");})
.on("select2-focus", function(e) { console.log("focus");})
.on("select2-blur", function(e) { console.log("blur");});
This package provides no styles or assets to your app intentionally.
All of the default select2 styles and assets are included in the vendor
directory and can be loaded into your application via the following methods:
- Assumes your less / css files are one dir up from your app root
@import "../packages/jquery-select2/vendor/select2/select2.css";
$ cd public && ln -s ../packages/jquery-select2/vendor/select2 ./