- 25
Pymel and maya 2025
#474 opened by CraigLaMorte - 1
setMin / setMax no longer working in 1.4.0
#477 opened by briankendall - 1
First call of'test', exists=True) results in a ui.Menu(res) call, where res ='test', exists=True)
#471 opened by chelloiaco - 4
Are there type stubs for `maya.cmds` ?
#470 opened by Aphosis - 0
__import__ called with illegal value of level
#473 opened by TonyKaap - 2
setAttr with force flag not working
#443 opened by Visherac - 1
pymel Maya 2024
#467 opened by Design0r - 2
No module find-even in list
#466 opened by Sunghyogun2 - 1
Multiple removeCallback calls in pymel
#463 opened by cruz1n - 8
latest pymel version pu does not include caches for Maya 2023 and Maya 2024
#464 opened by langlor-autodesk - 2
- 1 is not work.
#465 opened by CharlesTin0122 - 5
toGivenClass() uses __import__() and passes a parameter that is incompatible with Python3
#447 opened by shunjiAdsk - 1
HUGE os.environ bug in Maya 2022.3 Python3
#462 opened by guruBry - 1
maybeConvert() returns None for int(0)
#448 opened by shunjiAdsk - 1
- 1
pip is configured with locations that require TLS/SSL, however the ssl module in Python is not available ERROR while installing pymel for Maya 2022
#455 opened by Marietto2008 - 1
Env host not work
#460 opened by FXTD-ODYSSEY - 1
Templates don't work in Python 3
#461 opened by formjune - 1
SyntaxWarnings when loading pymel against Python 3.9
#449 opened by windxu88 - 1
Navigation of Attribute hierarchies doesn't always work (tested in Maya 2022.2)
#459 opened by fxs-jstewart - 0
EulerRotation.copy() discards rotation order
#458 opened by kimonmatara - 1
getChildren() fails in cases where attributeQuery(listChildren=True) succeeds
#457 opened by kimonmatara - 0
pymel.core.mel.FBXExport() crashes Maya 2023
#456 opened by rigvader - 0
OpenMaya in Jupiter Notebook
#453 opened by timkarlo - 0
- 1
Vertex / Edge / Face components no longer hashable in Maya 2022, unusable as dictionary keys
#444 opened by Cal0n - 1
Wrong result from attr.source()
#430 opened by zewt - 0
ls() return type issue
#440 opened by ypypjay - 0
Incompatible with logging.addLevelName
#438 opened by mottosso - 0
ls command issue
#437 opened by enderbd - 1
're' has no attribute '_pattern_type'
#429 opened by thirstydevil - 0
pymel.core.shadingGroups() doesn't return shadingEngine node if .outAlpha is passed in a shading network
#432 opened by windxu88 - 0
PyNode throws an exception for motion path handle points
#431 opened by zewt - 1
Mesh.getVertexNormals missing
#426 opened by pmolodo - 0
- 0
help not pulling api-added LazyDocString
#427 opened by pmolodo - 0
pathButtonGrp / folderButtonGrp creates two instances
#425 opened by mwspace - 0
Maya API 2.0 ... again
#424 opened by ParticlePeter - 1
ls(sl=True, uuid=True) fails
#423 opened by RobinScher - 4
AnimCurve is missing getTangent()
#414 opened by leocov-dev - 2
pymel means tiny penis in German
#422 opened by giers10 - 0
- 1
Document HTML error
#420 opened by sevelee - 2
findMelOnlyCommands() broken
#412 opened by YKdvd - 1
- 0
Add special handling for "undo" arguments
#419 opened by pmolodo - 0
normalize caches
#418 opened by pmolodo - 2
maya.standalone in sys.modules generates ImportError when pymel tries to init maya
#413 opened by arubertoson - 0