- 1
InputRedirectory never starts
#2109 opened by chais3dsissues - 2
''An Exception Ocurred
#2106 opened by TheJohanx - 0
[Feature Request] Have 3DS autosleep
#2108 opened by The0zymandias - 3
Sound in Mario & Luigi: Dream Team Bros. temporarily stops when Rosalina menu is opened
#2099 opened by mariomadproductions - 2
- 3
A file name suggestion for 3ds Cart image and maybe ds too? (Was told to ask here)
#2102 opened by gexgamingyt - 0
Pokemon Ultra Sun and Moon Issues
#2103 opened by HaroldBally - 3
0xf96047a2 errdisp generic error comes up every time I try to boot one specific 3ds game
#2101 opened by amagiisms - 2
SD:/luma/dumps/arm11/crash_dump00000000.dmp help
#2100 opened by 95brx - 2
An exception occurred (ARM11)
#2080 opened by TakumaEN - 2
[Feature Request] Ability to change between Surround,Stereo and Mono mid game with Rosalina
#2097 opened by CornTheKarter41 - 1
3DS crashing in Homebrew Launcher and in other apps
#2098 opened by skittle0764 - 4
After playing New Super Mario Bros 2, every homebrew title that i open will freeze on the start
#2074 opened by Ghegghi - 0
[Feature Request] Ability to redirect save files to SD card, for layeredfs mods
#2095 opened by mariomadproductions - 2
complete freeze when forcing connection, entire system becomes unresponsive
#2094 opened by vincentmethinks - 0
- 1
An except ion occurred
#2092 opened by Pop3373ds - 1
Homebrew stuck in Japanese and on splash screen
#2088 opened by alyssangentile - 0
- 1
3DS Luma menu error
#2090 opened by akmur - 2
Volume Override Issues
#2072 opened by ItalianNinjaa - 4
Possible to disable 3DS LEDs?
#2087 opened by Darthagnon - 3
Rosalina system info incorrectly identifies my screen types as TN. I have can tell I have IPS screens
#2089 opened - 3
An exception has occurred Arm 11 (core 0)
#2054 opened by lilmike14 - 5
After activating the option Enable loading external FIRMs and modules on my 2ds, it is giving arm11 (core 1
#2084 opened by Chuckiin - 3
Sometimes when screenshots are taken in they are duped
#2068 opened by Trickiy - 3
3GX Plugins are unable to call svcCreateMemoryBlock on their own heap memory
#2078 opened by LittleCube-hax - 1
My console 3DS crashes when i try to open one specific game, yet, all the other games i have, do open as it should
#2077 opened by gatitosmiaus - 1
InputRedirection problems
#2071 opened by Bitter-hub - 1
[Feature Request] 3DS Screen Recording
#2083 opened by AimBlox10 - 2
Is this usable on Lime3DS or Citra PabloMK7?
#2082 opened by WindowsNinetyTen - 1
ErrDisp SD card was removed
#2081 opened by Dcortese02 - 3
[Feature Request] Add function to turn on and off Super-stable 3D in Rosalina
#2062 opened by KendrickLamar2003 - 2
#2076 opened by unknowngirly - 6
[Feature Request] option to disable sleep mode switch on 2ds / disable sleepmode by closing lid 3ds
#2070 opened by GreatNateDev - 2
hi when i play a game it crashes and gives error code arm11 (core 0) pls fix i put all the error dumps right here. new 3ds xl.And it does the same thing when I exit out of any app sometimes
#2069 opened by gio46464 - 4
Luma 3DS Screenshot Feature not working, Operation Failed (0xc8804478)!
#2067 opened by BlueyBooey1278 - 1
The Nintendo crashes in 6 seconds and it says type of error generic and error code 0xf9606c02
#2066 opened by Nabilinho7 - 1
Luma3DS Crashing when trying to open homebrew menu
#2065 opened by angrypig555 - 1
I accidentally changed my filter setting in the advance section and now I'm stuck with the same setting if you can just tell me what the original settings are.
#2064 opened by Vikvippro12345 - 0
[FEATURE REQUEST] Generate /luma/payloads folder as a part of the upgrade process
#2058 opened by ManiacOfGitHub - 1
Can't run both M&L Remakes
#2063 opened by StarWizard9 - 1
An exception occurred: Arm11 (core 1) when trying to enable "Enable loading external FIRMs and modules" and "Enable game patching" at the same time
#2061 opened by GltichyB - 1
An exeception occurred Arm 11 (core 0) prefecth abort (svcbreak) Debug event Menu (0004003000008F02)
#2059 opened by Its-Andy9 - 3
issue when trying to load up old 2ds with luma 13.1.2
#2060 opened by KatsumaCodes - 3
Time offset issue status
#2056 opened by mariomadproductions - 1
- 2
[Feature Request] Format Screenshots to .jpg
#2055 opened by Echo-Beast - 2
[Feature request] Add a turbo function to the buttons.
#2053 opened by joaoviss - 5
crashes at startup
#2052 opened by GreatNateDev