native-demo-app-master_RN_60 contains example RN 60 app (Github) with Appium framework.

  • run 'yarn install' to install the dependencies
  • install Appium if you dont have it yet (npm install -g appium)

Before running tests:

  • run matching Android virtual device from Android Studio AVD manager

  • in first terminal run 'react-native start'

  • in second terminal type react-native run-ios or run-android

  • in second terminal start Appium with 'appium'

Running tests:

  • in third terminal run test with npm run or

  • When you changed code other than the files with the tests you neeed to run react-native run-ios or react-native run-android again.

  • The tests are in the folder /tests/specs

  • Note: the example app often uses this line as an identifier for UI-elements (e.g.): <Input {...testProperties('nameForUIelement')}/>. You can also instead define the testID and accessibilityLabel in the UI element like e.g. this: <Input testID={'nameForUIelement'} accessibilityLabel={'nameForUIelement'}/>

WdioDemoAPP contains example RN 60 app (Github) with Detox testing framework

  • install dependencies with "yarn install"
  • if you dont have Detox yet install it with "npm install -g detox-cli"

Before running tests:

  • run matching Android virtual device from Android Studio AVD manager

  • run 'react-native start'

  • type react-native run-ios or run-android or "detox build -c android.emu.debug" for Android or (...) ios.sim.debug for iOS

Running tests:

  • in second terminal run 'detox test -c android.emu.debug' oder -c ios.sim.debug

  • When you changed code other than the files with the tests you neeed to run react-native run-ios or react-native run-android again.

  • The tests are in the folder /e2e