
Backup utility for table and blob in Azure storage accounts

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT

.NET backup package for Azure Storage accounts

This package can be used to backup tables and blobs in Azure.

It supports .NET Core and the .NET Framework.

AzCopy 7.3 is used to create the backups, later version don't support table storage.

Version Build Status Branch
release Build Status master
pre-release Build Status develop


Download and install the package from NuGet. The package will install, and AzCopy 7.3 is added to the project.

Sample app

You can run the sample application to get an idea of how the it works. You need to provide an account name and key, of an azure storage account.


Initialize the client

var backupAzureStorage = new Luminis.AzureStorageBackup.BackupAzureStorage(sourceAccountName, sourceAccountKey);
  • sourceAccountName: the name of the storage account, no connectionstring or url
  • sourceAccountKey: the SAS key as can be retrieved for the Azure Portal
  • log (optional): an implementation of ILogger
  • rootDir (optional): the folder under which AzCopy can be found.
    • If left empty the default executable location will be used using Directory.GetCurrentDirectory()
    • When running in an Azure Function, pass the ExecutionContext.FunctionAppDirectory, which is the base folder where the Azure Function is installed

Table storage

await backupAzureStorage.BackupAzureTablesToBlobStorage(sourceTables, destinationAccountName, destinationKey, destinationContainerName, subfolder);
  • sourceTables: a list of string (ie: new [] { "table1", "table2" })
  • destinationAccountName: the name of the storage account, no connectionstring or url
  • destinationAccountKey: the SAS key as can be retrieved for the Azure Portal
  • destinationContainerName: the name of the container where the backup should go to. This container is created if it does not exist yet.
  • subfolder: optional folder, useful to distinct different backup-types (for example: "tables")

When backing up table storage, the files will be stored in the following directory destinationContainerName[\subfolder]\

Blob storage

await backupAzureStorage.BackupBlobStorage(containers, destinationAccountName, destinationKey, destinationContainerName, subfolder);
  • sourceContainers: a list of string (ie: new [] { "container1", "container2" })
  • destinationAccountName: the name of the storage account, no connectionstring or url
  • destinationAccountKey: the SAS key as can be retrieved for the Azure Portal
  • destinationContainerName: the name of the container where the backup should go to. This container is created if it does not exist yet.
  • subfolder: optional folder, useful to distinct different backup-types (for example: "blobs")

When backing up blob storage, the files will be stored in the following directory destinationContainerName[\subfolder]\sourceContainerName\timestamp\


Table storage

This cannot be done using the package. But can be done using AzCopy that is shipped with the package and can be found the azcopy foder.

AzCopy /Source:https://myaccount.blob.core.windows.net/mycontainer/

Blob storage

The blob backups are nothing more then a copy of the original blobs, stored in the desired location.

To restore these, any blob storage tool can be used such as:

  • AzCopy (any version)
  • Azure Storage explorder
  • Rest API


  • Does not work with the storage emulator yet.

Make changes

  1. Pull code
  2. Restore packages
  3. Build solution

Build and Test

Run dotnet pack to generate a nuget package


If you like to contribute, make a fork and submit a pull-request.

Or get in touch.