
Path issues when publishing to Azure Functions

srksenthilkumar opened this issue · 1 comments

Facing similar issue as Issue # 7 (#7)

When I publish it to Azure Function App, It creates the "azcopy" folder in "wwwroot" which has only "azcopy.exe" file. Another "azcopy" folder got created in "wwwroot\bin" which has all the DLL files.

Because of this AzCopy command is unable to find "Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Storage.dll" and its method.

Any clue what I am missing here. Thanks.

Hi, I'm also having a similar issue. I published my build and the azcopy folder is in the App root, but when it tries to do a backup, I get the error
AzCopy.exe not found in C:\Program Files (x86)\SiteExtensions\Functions\3.5.2\32bit

This is not my local folder in the machine I published this from.

EDIT: That's what I get from not carefully reading the instructions. It's working now :) thank you for this awesome tool!


The instructions are available in
In step 3, I didn't notice that the constructor required an additional parameter: context.FunctionAppDirectory
Adding it fixes my issue.

Sorry for the noob bug