Legends Minimal Mod Template

provides a "bare minimum" (or at least what I think is bare minimum) of setup for Legends to load a world with your user-defined gamemode

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Where do I put these files?

Unlike Bedrock, Legends is currently extremely creator-unfriendly. It doesn't seem to respect development packs & such. You'll have to place the BP and RP in their respective subdirectories under premium_cache. This is a multi-step process for steam. WinStore may also work:

  • place the files under %APPDATA%\Minecraft Legends\internalStorage\premium_cache
  • add the pack UUIDs to %APPDATA%\Minecraft Legends\<some numbers here for Steam>\games\com.mojang\minecraftpe\valid_known_packs.json

What do I have to change to redistribute this?

There are two things you should worry about:

  • pack UUIDs
  • the gamemode id.

The gamemode ID is a bit less of a problem. It should be a simple find-and-replace from mod_template to whatever your choice is.

Pack UUIDs obviously should be re-randomized, but they also need to be updated in RP/gamelayer/launcher/game_mode.json, or legends will softlock.

You may also wish to update the icons in RP/dlc_data.

What kinds of things can I do?

Legends has a bunch of different configurable subsystems (gamelayer), services (services), scripting (scripts_bsharp20), and such. It will be a while until docs exist. Until then, explore vanilla! It should give you a good sense of what you can accomplish.

Note on world generation

This template is configured to use a "flat" world generator, since that allows for the use of a world template (place a world folder under BP/world_template). If you want a normal Legends world, removing that line in RP/game_rules/gamerules.json should be sufficient.