
Many config files on my mac, which contains vimrc, iterm, karabiner etc.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


There are many user config files in my OSX. To migrate my local config to another OSX account, I push my local user config files into this repository.


Karabiner is a tool that helps you manage your keymap in OSX, especially when you're using your HHKB.

karabiner's export&import

This manual teaches you how to export your karabiner's local config into a shell file.

/Applications/Karabiner.app/Contents/Library/bin/karabiner export > ~/Desktop/karabiner-import.sh

To import your config, you need to execute this file, and you have to reset the configuration before it.

/Applications/Karabiner.app/Contents/Library/bin/karabiner \
be_careful_to_use__clear_all_values_by_name \

Then execute it.

curl -L https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ \
LumpyChen/Conf-mac/master/Karabiner/ \
karabiner-import.sh | bash

My Config

  • KeyEscape as CapsLock
  • KeyCapsLock as Control_L
  • KeyCommand_R as Command_L + Arrow_Left (Setting the cursor to line-head)
  • KeyOption_R as Escape
  • KeyShift+Delete as Delete Reverse
  • KeyFn + w as toggle WIFI
  • KeyOption_L + IJKL as Arrow Keys (In HHKB)
  • KeyShift_R as ^ (Line head in Vim)
  • KeyCommand + q double times as Quit an app
  • Disable medium keyboard


Iterm2 is a great terminal app in OSX.

Using my config, you should install a font called Fira Code first.

Execute the from shell:

curl -L https://raw.githubusercontent.com \
/LumpyChen/Conf-mac/master/ \
Iterm/shell/install.sh | bash

Remember to quit your iterm2 when the shell executing.

It's the raw config plist file.



Use Alfred to control your mac by only keyboard.

All my workflows has been placed into the alfred/workflows/ folder. And my preferences file was placed nearby.

To import preferences, you need to open Alfred preferences, set sync folder in advanced tab and click click "Set folder and restart Alfred".


I adapt Spf13-vim as my packages library, which contains a lot of plugins.

Somehow there has been bugs with my local setting, which forces me to alter bundles' source code, which had been installed by vundle.

That's why I put all of my vimrc files & bundles in this repository. I overwrote the Spf13-vim config without modified it, but I still have to push all the files here......