
LeanCloud flutter plugin by Luna Gao

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT

LeanCloud flutter plugin

Bless Package version Build Status

Leancloud flutter plugin by Luna Gao

Dark packages


This plugin depends on Leancloud Native(iOS / Android) SDK. It's just convert the code from dart to those native language(Objective-C / Java).

Getting Started


  • Add this to your package's pubspec.yaml file:
  leancloud_flutter_plugin: ^0.0.5
  • Install packages from the command line:
flutter packages get
  • Import it
import 'package:leancloud_flutter_plugin/leancloud_flutter_plugin.dart';

How to use

Before your runApp function, initialize the leancloud. Such as the example app does.


  • initialize plugin
  • setup log level (Optional, default value is OFF)
  • setup region (Optional, default value is NorthChina)
  • initialize leancloud
  • save object or you can do whet ever you want :)

Initialize plugin

Plugin is Singleton mode. Please NOT initialize it by yourself.

Import: import 'package:leancloud_flutter_plugin/leancloud_flutter_plugin.dart';

LeancloudFlutterPlugin leancloudFlutterPlugin = LeancloudFlutterPlugin.getInstance();

Log Level (Optional)

Setup log level must be earlier than initialize leancloud function.


Region (Optional)

Setup region must be earlier than initialize leancloud function.


Initialize Leancloud

leancloudFlutterPlugin.initialize(appId, appKey);

Create and update an Object

Import: import 'package:leancloud_flutter_plugin/leancloud_object.dart';

// Create
AVObject object = new AVObject("YOUR_OBJECT");
object.put("FIELD_NAME", "VALUE"); // String
object.put("OR_INT", 10); // int
object.put("OR_BOOLEAN", true); // boolean
object.put("OR_FLOAT", 10.01); // float
object.save().then((object) {
  // Saved
  // and Update
  object.put("description", "updated!");
  object.save().then((object) {
    // Updated

If your update your object, {"code":403,"error":"Forbidden writing by object's ACL."} happened, then please check leancloud data's ACL field.

Delete an Object

// object is an AVObject
object.delete().then((isDeleted) {
  // Deleted
  if (isDeleted) {
    object = null; // you should set ref to null manually if you don't using this object

Query an Object

Import: import 'package:leancloud_flutter_plugin/leancloud_query.dart';

// query by object_id
AVQuery avQuery = new AVQuery("DemoObject");
avQuery.get("OBJECT_ID").then((object) {

// query objects
AVQuery avQuery = new AVQuery("DemoObject");
avQuery.whereEqualTo("KEY", "VALUE"); // string value
avQuery.whereNotEqualTo("KEY", 10); // int value
avQuery.whereGreaterThan("KEY", true); // bool value
avQuery.whereGreaterThanOrEqualTo("KEY", "VALUE");
avQuery.whereLessThan("KEY", "VALUE");
avQuery.whereLessThanOrEqualTo("KEY", "VALUE");
avQuery.find().then((objects) {
  print("All Objects Queryed!");

Example App

Example App README.md

Publish Plugin

flutter format .
flutter pub pub publish --dry-run
flutter pub pub publish