Clipsey's Reduced Instruction Set Computing virtual toy processor and assembler.

Primary LanguageDBoost Software License 1.0BSL-1.0


Clipsey's Reduced Instruction Set Computing virtual toy CPU and assembler. CRISC is a single-file virtual CPU and assembler for a small toy architecture I made because i was bored.



To build CRISC, you need to have the DMD compiler installed.

Then run the following in the CRISC root folder.

sudo make install

DUB Usage

You can add libcrisc as a package on dub to your project if you want to utilize this virtual CPU. http://code.dlang.org/packages/libcrisc


To assemble an crisc assembly file, use casm.

To run a crisc binary, use criscexec.

Instruction Set

DO NOTE casm will automatically infer which mode you are going to use. So if you are working with registers, remember to suffix arguments with @ for registers/addresses.

Instruction Input A Input B ** Description**
HALT Halts the execution of the program
MOV REG A REG B Moves register A to register B
MOVC CONST A REG B Moves const A to register B
ADD REG A REG B Adds register A to register B
ADDC CONST A REG B Adds const A to register B
SUB REG A REG B Subtracts register A to register B
SUBC CONST A REG B Subtracts const A to register B
MUL REG A REG B Multiplies register A to register B
MULC CONST A REG B Multiplies const A to register B
DIV REG A REG B Divides register A to register B
DIVC CONST A REG B Divides const A to register B
JMP ADDRESS A Jumps to address A
JMPEQ ADDRESS A REG B Jumps to address A if B is equal to value in status register
JMPNEQ ADDRESS A REG B Jumps to address A if B is not equal to value in status register
JMPLEQ ADDRESS A REG B Jumps to address A if B is larger than or equal to value in status register
JMPSEQ ADDRESS A REG B Jumps to address A if B is smallerthan or equal to value in status register
JMPC CONST ADDRESS A Jumps to address A
JMPEQC ADDRESS A CONST B Jumps to address A if B is equal to value in status register
JMPNEQC ADDRESS A CONST B Jumps to address A if B is not equal to value in status register
JMPLEQC ADDRESS A CONST B Jumps to address A if B is larger than or equal to value in status register
JMPSEQC ADDRESS A CONST B Jumps to address A if B is smallerthan or equal to value in status register
LDR REG A ADDRESS B Load memory from address B in to register A
LDRC CONST A ADDRESS B Load memory from const B in to register A
STR REG A ADDRESS B Store memory from register A in to address B (in memory)
STRC CONST A ADDRESS B Store memory from const A in to address B (in memory)
CALL ADDRESS A Call address A
PUSH REG A Push value from register A to stack
PUSHC CONST A Push constant value to stack
POP REG A Pop value from stack to register A
RET Return from subroutine
DBG DBG OPTION A CONST B Set debugging options