Gameboy Advance replacement motherboard for direct connection with GBAHD


GBAHD-AGB Motherboard

This is a replacement AGB motherboard shield for the gbaHD project.

  • The aim is to remove the CPU and RAM from an original AGB motherboard and place them in this new board.
  • Uses an MCU to connect a classic controller.
  • Has a cartridge slot with a switch to detect DMG/CGB games and switch voltages.
  • Has a power switch circuitry to replace Spartan Edge switch.
  • Has a better footprint for 3D printed cases


  • Cart sensor switch might need to be changed
  • Cart sensor switch footprint might be wrong.
  • Clock might need to be rerouted.
  • Link port might need to be rerouted
  • No 3D printed case (yet)


I am NOT an electrical engineer. Take this as a hobby project from a software engineer's attempt at something cool. If you wish to contribute, see something wrong or want to add a feature please make a pull request or leave an issue!


Add this later...

Programming the MCU

FIRMWARE NOT YET WRITTEN (following instructions still work)

In order to program the MCU, you need an arduino to use as ISP.
Use the following image to wire up an arduino to the board to program it.
I would also recomend not programming it while seated in the FPGA board. PCB
After wiring the board, follow this tutorial to flash the bootloader and the sketch to the board.
ICSP Tutorial

The Arduino code requires the NintendoExtensionCtrl library.


This project would've not existed if it werent for people with real electrical engineering knowledge!




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