Scaffold App Files (see App File Lists)Link files through State ProviderStyle side navcreate services fileslink up serviceshard code api data to app
UserMarketJobs List
- Link App with API
- User
- Market
- Jobs List
- Add Map dependencies if needed LeafletJS
- Create Map Directives
- Create Location Factory
- My location button
- center map
- ngCordova Geolookup
- situate code in factory
- Remove excess files
- fix "back button" issue when navigating around marketplace
link user / settings to the rest of app- header search bar for my jobs and marketplace
- functions:
takeJob- watchJob
- stying for watched jobs in My Jobs
- time till pickup filter
- remove back arrow everywhere except job details..
App File Lists
- Main menu
- Dashboard
- Marketplace
- Details
- My Jobs
- Settings
- About
- Feedback
- Main menu
- Dashboard
- Marketplace
- Details
- My Jobs
- Settings
- About
- Feedback
Services && Factories
- Data service (temporary)
- Jobs service
After git clone
Since all these files are excluded from git, you need to install all of them when you start with a fresh clone of your project. In order to do so, run the following commands in that order:
npm install # installs all node modules including cordova, gulp and all that
bower install # install all bower components including angular, ionic, ng-cordova, ...
gulp --cordova 'prepare' # install all cordova platforms and plugins from the config.xml
File structure
└── app/ - your application folder │ └── bower_components/ - local installation of bower packages │ └── main/ - ---main module--- │ │ ├── assets/ - assets: fonts, images, translation, etc... goes here │ │ ├── constants/ - angular constants │ │ ├── controllers/ - angular controllers │ │ ├── directives/ - angular directives │ │ ├── filters/ - angular filters │ │ ├── services/ - angular services │ │ ├── styles/ - scss styles │ │ ├── templates/ - angular templates │ │ └── main.js - angular module definition, routing etc... │ └── anotherModule/ - ---another module--- │ │ ├── ... │ ├── app.js - application module, includes main module, ionic, ui-router etc ... │ └── index.html - angular entry point, injects: app files, bower files, fonts, ... ├── gulp_tasks/ - gulp tasks ├── hooks/ - cordova hooks ├── nodes_modules/ - local installation of node modules ├── platforms/ - cordova platforms ├── plugins/ - corodova plugins ├── www/ - your gulp build goes here, cordova starts building from here ├── .bowerrc - bower configuration ├── .editorconfig - editor configuration ├── .gitattributes - git's attribute configuration ├── .gitignore - git's ignore configuration ├── .jscsrc - jscs configuration ├── .jshintignore - jshint ignore ├── .jshintrc - jshint configuration ├── .travis.yml - travis continuous integration configuration ├── .yo-rc.json - yeoman's .yo-rc.json ├── bower.json - bower dependencies ├── config.xml - cordova's config.xml ├── gulpfile.js - entry point to all gulp tasks ├── - shell script for jenkins continuous integration ├── package.json - node dependencies configuration ├── - the generator's