This python package utilizes the yt_dlp
package to extend its ablilties to download multiple episodes and shows simultanrously with more user control and actions specified by the user.
The script utilizes threading to speed up download speeds and provides an easy to use interface with multiple ways to download desired anime episodes.
The CLI provides flexibility in wasy throughw hich users can download episodes and gives preview of the anime before commencing downloads.
You can download the package through pip: pip install crunchy_dl
Clone this repository onto your local machine: git clone
Install requirements: pip install -r requirements.txt
Note: Make sure to have ffmpeg downloaded onto your machine, otherwise downloads will not go to completion. More information on how to download can be found here.
Using the template yaml_template.yml
provided in the repository, you can configure all of your metadata easily and specify all the specifc shows and
anime episodes you want to download with their respective requirements. You can specify further yt_dlp options in the args section for each anime episdoe/show
you are downloading by adding a leading hyphen for each option.
To download using this method, the following cli command needs to be executed: crunchy config [path_to_config_file]
All config files will undergo a validation check; thus, and errors in the formatting or the schema of the yaml file will be notified to the user before commencing download.
An exmaple YAML file configuration can be see as follows:
username: [username]
password: [password]
ffmpeg_location: /Users/ffmpeg
destination: /Users/anime/
threads: 7
- url:
start: 22
end: 24
- url:
season: 1
start: 1
end: 10
- url:
- arg: -no_color
value: True
- url:
Using the cli arguments, you cannot download series and episodes together. Episodes are limited to one download per use. Series can be used to download multiple episdoes, however this can only be from one series, support for multiple shows has not been configured yet.
You can also configure yt_dlp options when downloading episodes and series. You can use all yt_dlp options you are downloading by adding a leading hyphen for each option in the CLI command.
usage: crunchy episode [-h] -u USERNAME -p PASSWORD -l URL [-t THREADS] [-d DESTINATION] [-v] -f FFMPEG
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-u USERNAME, --username USERNAME
Valid CrunchyRoll Username
-p PASSWORD, --password PASSWORD
Valid CrunchyRoll Password
-l URL, --url URL Valid CrunchyRoll Series/Episode Link
-t THREADS, --threads THREADS
Number of threads to utilize (1 - 10)
Destination of where to save downloads
-v, --verbose Verbosity of Downloader Output
-f FFMPEG, --ffmpeg FFMPEG
Location of ffmpeg on machine
usage: crunchy series [-h] -u USERNAME -p PASSWORD -l URL [-t THREADS] [-d DESTINATION] [-v] -f FFMPEG [-r RANGE] [-s SEASON]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-u USERNAME, --username USERNAME
Valid CrunchyRoll Username
-p PASSWORD, --password PASSWORD
Valid CrunchyRoll Password
-l URL, --url URL Valid CrunchyRoll Series/Episode Link
-t THREADS, --threads THREADS
Number of threads to utilize (1 - 10)
Destination of where to save downloads
-v, --verbose Verbosity of Downloader Output
-f FFMPEG, --ffmpeg FFMPEG
Location of ffmpeg on machine
-r RANGE, --range RANGE
Range of episodes to download from series
-s SEASON, --season SEASON
Specify Season of Series