
This is eventually intended to be a bot for Stardew Valley, but currently is largely a learning exercise. The goal is to make a bot that can passively observe the memory-state of Stardew Valley, but only interact through sending of keyboard and mouse events.

Current Functionality

  1. Identify the PID for Stardew Valley.
  2. Display the memory for the [stack] memory region.
  3. Follow pointers to other memory regions.
  4. Identify pointers to executable symbols based on the ELF symbol table.

Debug Symbols

The libcoreclr.so library, part of the .NET runtime, does not ship with debug symbols. Nor are debug symbols part of the release binaries available here contain the debug symbols. While there is an open issue on the Github project for dotnet to provide *-dbg packages, no such packages are available as of March 2024.

The supported way to get debug symbols for libcoreclr.so (link) is to first install nuget, then use it to install dotnet-symbol, and finally run dotnet-symbol while pointing at a core dump using the version of libcoreclr.so for which you need debug symbols. Much easier is to just download the debug symbols directly, located at http://msdl.microsoft.com/download/symbols/_.debug%2Felf-buildid-sym-${BUILD_ID}%2F_.debug, then rename it as libcoreclr.so.dbg. The BUILD_ID can be determined with readelf --notes libcoreclr.so | grep "Build ID: ".