
At ÅF (Digital Solutions South) I run a competence group within the area of Natural Language Processing & Machine Learning. The work/theory/workshops will be uploaded here.

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At ÅF (Digital Solutions South) I run a competence group within the area of Natural Language Processing & Machine Learning. The work/theory/workshops will be uploaded here.

Structure: README.md

Run pip install -r requirements.txt
Run pip install -e .
Get fastText & install through pip
Run build_embed with defaults

Meeting 1: Text Classification

In this meeting I'm investigating into Text Classification. More is done in the meeting than shown in the colab-document. https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1sJUSSIBGxEe0Cgz2B1RQlZxCmNpw_jF4

Meeting 2: Text Classification - Quora Insincere questions

In this meeting we created a path forward on how to focus & work. We also decided to use SpaCy as a starting tool in this task of Quora. https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1s56aBkUrkYLCRblDMGHBeHpRNaEQpAs9

Meeting 3: Text Classification - Quora improved

ÅF: http://afconsult.com