
Download real debrid unrestricted link

Primary LanguagePython

Project Name

Real Debrid downloader


This project demonstrates how to use the requests library to interact with the Real-Debrid API for unrestricting and downloading links.

File Structure

  • requestTest.py: Contains the main code for unrestricting and downloading links using the Real-Debrid API.
  • token.txt: Should contain the API token for accessing the Real-Debrid API.


  1. Ensure that token.txt contains the API token

  2. Find any desire download file from Sanet.st (Need to be rapidgator hoster)

  3. Run Run.py to unrestrict and download the links specified in links.txt.

Code Explanation

The requestTest.py file contains the following key components:

  • Reading the API token from token.txt.
  • Defining a function to unrestrict a link using the API token.
  • Reading links from links.txt and unrestricting each link.
  • Printing the list of unrestricted download links.


  • Python 3.x
  • requests library

Additional Notes

  • Ensure that the requests library is installed. If not, install it using pip install requests.

Feel free to customize this template to fit the specific details of your project.