
This script is used to download and install tools from the internet

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


This script is used to download and install tools from the internet. It is designed to be used with Linux, but it can be used with any operating system that has Python installed.


To install thetool, run the following command:

python3 -m pip install thetool


To use thetool, run the following command:

thetool install <tool>

To uninstall a tool, run the following command:

thetool uninstall <tool>

To see a list of available tools, run the following command:

thetool list

To see the list and version of installed tools, run the following command:

thetool list --installed

To get information about a tool, run the following command:

thetool info <tool>

To update thetool, run the following command:

thetool update

To upgrade a tool, run the following command:

thetool upgrade <tool>

To upgrade all tools, run the following command:

thetool upgrade --all

To clean up the cache, run the following command:

thetool clean


thetool uses a database to store information about tools. The database is stored in another GitHub repository, thetool-Database


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.