
This is Nanyang Technological University course CZ1115 Data Science project

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


This is NTU CZ1115 Data Science Porjet which is on the Brazilian Olist E-commerce dataset on https://www.kaggle.com/olistbr/brazilian-ecommerce/home and https://www.kaggle.com/olistbr/marketing-funnel-olist.


Wang Qianteng

Xue Yushan

Luo Yihang

This zipped folder contains the notebooks and corresponding html files, please check the html files in which the interactive visuals can be shown normally.

Files contained:

  1. data_preparation.ipynb: notebook which contains data preparation of data cleaning, merging and precessing steps
  2. data_analysis.ipynb: notebook which contains the problem analysing and solving process
  3. data_preparation.html: transcription of notebook data_preparation.ipynb in html file
  4. data_analysis.html: transcription of notebook data_analysis.ipynb in html file
  5. requirements.txt: includes all the external libraries used in our codes which need to be installed. If you want to run the codes, please install them first (key in 'pip install -r requirements.txt' in cmd)
  6. presentation slides.pptx: PPTX copy of the presentation slides
  7. image.zip: some images used in the notebook, it is not necessary to unzip this file