OSX Mavericks
Unity 5.0.0f4
In Unity 4.6, It seems the black screen problem occurs while using the combination of Vuforia and OpenCVForUnity. I am investigating the cause.Unfortunately, please use the Unity5 at the moment.
- Import vuforia-unity-mobile-android-ios-4-0-105.unitypackage
- Import OpenCVForUnity1.1.1 from AssetStore
- Setup Tutorial(Image Targets in Unity https://developer.vuforia.com/library/articles/Training/Image-Targets-in-Unity)
Conversion from CameraImage(without augmentation) of "Voforia" to Mat of "OpenCV for Unity".
Conversion from PostRenderTexture(ARCamera) of "Voforia" to Mat of "OpenCV for Unity".
Attach "PostRenderToMatSample.cs" to "ARCamera/Camera".