
Packer files to build vagrant boxes (Virtualbox)

Primary LanguageShell

Packer repository

... build some Vagrant base boxes for VirtualBox ...


Additional Information

2 users are created for every vagrant box. There are users root (pw:toor) and vagrant (pw:vagrant). Public key for vagrant can be found here.


Example build vagrant box

# clone repository
$ git clone https://github.com/Lupin3000/Packer.git

# change directory
$ cd Packer/Alpine-3.4

# build via packer
$ packer build packer.json

Example add box

This is when you like to go with default way...

# list current vagrant boxes (optional)
$ vagrant box list

# add new created box
$ vagrant box add lupin/debian9 target/virtualbox-Debian-9.box

# create directory
$ mkdir -p ~/Projects/Debian9 && cd ~/Projects/Debian9

# init with specific box
$ vagrant init lupin/debian9

Example use Vagrantfile

This is when you are in development mode...

# change back to root directory
$ cd ..

# edit Vagrantfile (add missing values)
$ vim Vagrantfile

# run environment via vagrant
$ vagrant up